- Sugar water is a life-saving treatment for puppies whose immature systems fail to regulate glucose, a condition called hypoglycemia. Puppies less than 4 months old are most likely to require sugar water as a dietary supplement.
- Sugar can save a puppy's life.Image by Flickr.com, courtesy of David Goehring
Sugar water for puppies can be made with white table sugar, Karo syrup, honey or Nutri-Cal. Mix the sugar product with water and feed to the puppy with an eyedropper or rub on the tongue and gums. - Puppies that suffer from hypoglycemia and are in urgent need of sugar water will exhibit weakness, listlessness, trembling and disorientation. Without sugar water, hypoglycemia can advance very quickly to lifelessness, seizures and death.
- Many breeders recommend that puppies be offered sugar water, or other sweetened water, every day until they are at least 4 months old. It is also important to feed puppies a well-balanced puppy food every four hours.
- The suggested daily dose of sugar water for puppies is 2 tablespoons of honey (or equivalent sweetener) with 1/2 cup of water. Puppies can also be fed two tablespoons of peanut butter mixed with honey or Karo syrup, in small increments over the course of a day.
- Small breeds, like Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers, are most susceptible to hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia can cause death very quickly in a puppy; call a veterinarian immediately if sugar water does not immediately resuscitate the puppy.
Sweet Supplement
Preventative Dosage
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