- 1). Log in to your account on the Facebook homepage. Click "Account" in the upper-right corner. Click "Privacy Settings" from the drop-down menu.
- 2). Find the "How you connect" category on the Privacy Settings page. Click the "Edit Settings" link next to this heading.
- 3). Find the "Control Your Default Privacy" heading in the middle of the Privacy Settings page. Click "Custom." Click "Friends" from the drop-down menu, which is "Friends of Friends" by default.
- 4). Choose "Friends" from the drop-down menu in the "Who can look up your profile by name or contact info?" category. Click "Done."
- 5). Find the "Apps and websites" at the bottom of the Privacy Settings page. Click the "Edit Settings" link under this heading.
- 6). Scroll down to "Public Search" at the bottom of the page. Click "Edit Settings." Uncheck the "Enable Public Search" box.
- 7). Search for yourself with your full Facebook name on Google to make sure your changes have worked. Click on the Facebook link with your name. No information should appear. Sometimes it takes a few days for your changes to apply.