- One of the more popular vines to be grown in a greenhouse is the grapevine. Grapevines have been cultivated for thousands of years for their lush green foliage and, most importantly, their sweet-tasting fruit. Grapevines grow well in a greenhouse when they are planted outdoors and trained to grow through a hole into the greenhouse at an early age. The increased humidity and limited pest interference can make for an excellent harvest year after year.
- Cucumber plants are a popular choice for greenhouse growing. They are fast-growing plants that yield fruit throughout the latter part of the year. The high humidity and elimination of predation by rodents in a greenhouse will substantially increase your harvest. Cucumbers thrive in warm temperatures, so keep them well-watered and let them enjoy the heat of your greenhouse.
- Morning glory plants are a variety of fast-growing vines typically cultivated by homeowners for their colorful flowers and lush, shade-bearing vegetation. This makes them ideal for a greenhouse, as they will trail up a wall or trellis towards the sunlight and expand to fit the area in which they are planted. They enjoy high temperatures and humidity, and require minimal maintenance, with only occasional watering and pruning to maintain the health of the plant.
- English ivy is a popular ground cover, so much so that it has actually become invasive in much of the northern hemisphere. Grown indoors, however, it can make for a lush, green, fast-growing greenhouse vine that will rapidly grow to cover any trellis or lattice you put in its way. It does, however, require substantial pruning and maintenance to prevent it from overspreading and potentially causing damage to cement foundations and walls with its powerful tendrils. It requires minimal watering, but constant pruning.
Morning Glory
English Ivy