- The Motley Fool did an analysis of what multibillionaire Warren Buffett considers to be smart financial investments in companies. Whether you are trying to buy stock on a publicly traded company, or if you are considering purchasing a portion of a private organization, Buffett recommends choosing a company with a history of stability. It may mean investing your money in companies that do not have the most exciting lines of work; but when you are trying to get the best possible return on your investment dollar, Buffett suggests staying with the companies that know how to turn a profit.
- Investing your money does not always mean buying stocks or the majority share in a private corporation, it sometimes means investing in the things that make you a success. According to the Harvard School of Business, one of the smartest investments you can make is in yourself. Invest in furthering your education so that you are constantly adjusting your skill set to conform to the changes in your industry. Whether that investment is money in the form of tuition, or the time necessary to research and learn about new procedures and developments in your field, investing in your own future is something that you can use to further your career.
- Real estate can be a speculative form of investment, but real estate is more likely to rise in value over the years than any other kind of investment. Many people invest in large homes when they are working, pay off those homes during their younger years and then live off the profit of selling those homes after the homes have spent 30 or more years appreciating in value. Investing in the stock market gets its fair share of media coverage, but do not forget the value of investing in real estate.
- Whether you are thinking about investing in the stock market, or investing in your future with more education, it is always a good idea to start slow and then build over time. Try your hand at stock, investing with some smaller amounts of money at first, and when you feel you have it figured out, you can move to larger investments. Do not try to take on several educational programs at once. Start with one, and then gauge your success. If you want to take on more, then you will at least have a good feel for how higher education can fit into your daily schedule.
Invest in Yourself
Real Estate
Start Small and Build