- There are websites, like the American Greeting Card Company, that allow users to create their own birthday cards using templates the company provides. It's as easy as choosing an image, customizing the message and clicking "print"--fantastic for last-minute birthday parties.
Or use your desktop publishing program or even word processing program to design your own birthday card to print. If you're not sure about the settings, print a mock-up on regular paper before you load the card stock. - Scrapbooking supplies, markers and rubber stamps create some beautiful greeting cards. Consider layering papers, creating appliques, integrating fabric, buttons, or glitter and using alternate folding techniques. Scrapbooking stores often sell idea books that can inspire you or teach you advanced techniques, like pop-ups.
- Electronic greeting cards can be a simple image and words or a complex video complete with music. JibJab stands out among other e-card companies because they infuse your message into an entertaining little video; you can even input your photo or a photo of the recipient to be featured in the video. When you first try the service it's free and after that you're charged a small fee for sending email video cards. The recipient gets a copy of the video that they can put on their blog, forward to a friend or just watch over and over again.
Printable Birthday Cards for Free
Making Birthday Cards
Birthday E-Cards