Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Chicken Pox Information

Chicken pox is generally a childhood disease caused by a virus which is scientifically called as varicella zoster virus.

Chicken pox is an extremely contagious disease. It is spread through the touch; air etc to the members of same family, to the neighbors, to the other kids at the school, if in adults even at the work place of yours. This virus is a strange one as the contagious time is normally 4 days before and 4 days after the date of the rashes appearance. This infection is considered to be safe after the crust on the blisters fall off or wither away.

You may all be aware or large number of people has got chicken pox at 15 though the ideal age for this disease is between 5 and 10. There is a definite exception though about some adults also having this disease. This disease can occur in winter in spring times of the year.

The symptoms of this dreadful disease, chicken pox, start to surface anywhere after 10 to 20 days after getting in contact with the infected person. Usually the time period of 14 to 16 days after you come in contact is ideal. The most common chicken pox symptoms which surface are rashes and weakness along with mild fever for a small period of time like 1 or 2 days after you get affected with Chicken pox. Rarely people can show up with different symptoms except the main rashes. Rashes normally start as tiny red tips basically on the patient's skin. These rashes after some time steps forward to blisters filled with fluid. This fluid becomes pus like and even bursts sometimes, producing spores just before the crusting period. After scalping the blisters can move around the body. The journey begins from the face to chest, abdomen and even in extreme cases hands and feet making the life horrible.

Usually the horrible and itchy rashes turn to even more reddish if they come in contact with irritants like sunburn, eczema, poison ivy etc.

Formation of scars is the most usual kind of complications of chicken pox. These scar formation can be avoided if the rashes are not scratched frequently or by sparing ourselves from different kinds of bacterial infections. Another most common complication is the disorder of the cerebellar portion of the brain which leads to dizziness, tremor, altered speech etc. occurring commonly in children. If proper medication is not taken it may even lead to the encephalitis in common words inflammation of the brain with headaches etc. Tragically pregnant mothers develop this disease 4 to5 days before and 2 to 3 days after the delivery of the child and even more than 30%of the newly born children show up this disease.

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