- Many online sources that help you learn about the stock market are geared for children. Even if you are not a child, the interactivity and accessibility of the content makes learning about the stock market easy. Games stake you with a certain amount of "money," then let you make trades with that money. These interactive games teach you how to play the market safely.
- If you are already somewhat familiar with the stock market and are interested in online investing for beginners, you can utilize the various services of investools.com, which offers educational tutorials that guide you through the online trading process from start to finish.
- To support your online trading endeavors as a beginner, you need to be aware of terminology and relevant market news. Investopedia is a searchable, regularly updated, interactive website that functions much like an encyclopedia. Investopedia offers online trading games, but its major asset lies in its vast reference section, including the latest industry news and an in-depth tutorial series designed to fit stock market learners at any level. The beginner level tutorial has eight sections, including "Investing 101" and "Mutual fund basics."
- If you are looking to manage your portfolio primarily on your own, websites like sogotrade.com and etrade.com are good options for those who are self starters. Both sites offer tutorials that help beginners become acquainted with the website interface and that teach some basics of the market. Sogotrade and Etrade also offer live customer service and a variety of articles and user forums to help beginners. Etrade has branches to help those in need of face-to-face assistance.
- If you are a beginner in need of a guided trading experience, securing an online broker is your best choice. Online brokerage firms are popular among Internet trading aficionados. In addition to Etrade, you can consider tradeking.com, thinkorswim.com or Scottrade.com, which offer brokerage services for online customers and can provide help for the online stock trading novice.
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