What are Dental Implants in Chicago?
Dental implants in Chicago consist of three components: (1) a tiny titanium fixture (2) an abutment or ‘collar' and (3) a durable ceramic tooth crown. The titanium fixture is placed by this qualified and experienced oral surgeon in Chicago at the site(s) of the missing tooth or teeth. The ‘collar' is then placed on the screw and used to firmly hold the attached artificial tooth crown in place. The only component of dental implants visible above the gum line is the ceramic tooth crown, which is carefully fabricated to be virtually indistinguishable, in aesthetics and functionality, from any natural and healthy tooth. This dual-degreed oral surgeon in Chicago also carefully matches the color of the artificial crown with that of the adjacent teeth, so that the results are completely natural.
Dental Implants in Chicago: The Process of ‘Osseointegration'
The real reason behind the success of dental implants in Chicago is a very interesting phenomenon that occurs between titanium metal and bone tissue. In 1951, Swedish orthopedic surgeon, Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark, discovered that titanium metal was capable of forming a strong biological bond with bone. Subsequent research revealed that titanium was indeed the only element on the periodic table capable of ‘osseointegration', as the process is termed. The fact that titanium is exceptionally strong, lightweight and non-corrosive just sealed the deal! The discovery of osseointegration soon led to the development of dental implants in Chicago. Without this unique process, dental implants in Chicago could not remain free-standing in the mouth for 20, 30 years and more!
The Benefits of Dental Implants in Chicago
Dental implants in Chicago offer patients a great number and variety of benefits:
- They are virtually indistinguishable from any natural healthy teeth.
- They enable patients to eat all the foods they love, without worrying about their tooth replacement technology breaking or failing.
- Dental implants in Chicago last decades!
- They feel completely natural and don't cause any damage to the neighboring teeth or surrounding soft tissue.
- Because dental implants in Chicago replace the entire tooth, from the root to the crown, they promote the health of the underlying jaw bone tissue. By preventing atrophy and a loss of bone volume, says this dual-degreed oral surgeon in Chicago, they help to preserve a patient's youthful facial contours.
A Final Note on Dental Implants in Chicago
If you have previously lost one or more of your natural teeth, do not waste any time in seeking the attention of this dual-degreed oral surgeon in Chicago. Missing teeth left without replacement results in all sorts of problems, not least of all, a noticeable gap in your smile!