Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Ten Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Circles And Puffiness Under Eyes

During these days, when stress is taking its toll because of busy lifestyles a number of ramifications can be seen on the human body. A number of problems arise because of the stress caused due to huffing and puffing to complete the tasks on the To-Do list. One of the side-effects that are troubling the present generation is the presence of dark circles and an appearance of puffiness under the eyes. Dark circles under the eyes are a big concern for people who are beauty conscious. These circles snatch the beauty and freshness of the face only to make a person look ill. This has increased the popularity of pigmentation treatment. Dark circles under the eyes are caused mainly because of excessive fluid under the skin.

Owing to over-weeping tears flow towards the soft skin under your eyes. This causes dark circles. However, it would be wrong to assume that this is the only reason behind the formation of dark circles and puffiness. Hereditary traits, deficiency of iron and other important proteins, lack of sleep, infections etc can cause dark circles. Puffiness around the eyes can be caused due to allergies or a salt rich diet. Eyes are the windows to the world and reflect your inner beauty. The basic eye care includes the use of anti-oxidant eye cream. However, many prefer to go for pigmentation treatment. In this article, I present some of the tips to help you keep your eyes away from dark circles and puffiness through natural ways other than using anti-oxidant eye creams.

  • The most effective way to get rid of puffiness and dark circles is to correct your sleeping habits. Sleep on your back with a high head using a pillow. This helps in the right circulation of blood as well as fluids. This helps to get rid of puffiness of eyes as well as the fluid beneath the eyes.

  • Remove the entire eye makeup including eye-lashes and mascara before retiring to bed.

  • Exercise daily to enhance blood circulation in the face region. Yoga can stimulate your breathing and help you get a fresh skin.

  • Using an anti-oxidant eye cream can help a great deal. However, if you wish to use a natural way then you can use potato or cucumber on your skin and eyes. Leave them for half hour to get rejuvenated skin.

  • For combating puffiness around your eyes you must stay away from smoke and pungent smells.

  • Take a diet rich in green vegetables, vitamins and fruits. Take seasonal fruits along with vegetables.

  • Avoid taking too much stress as it leads to high blood pressure which eventually leads to dark circles. Slow down, live a relaxed life and meditate a lot.

  • One of the most common causes of eye puffiness is a diet rich in salty foods. Reduce your salt intake and increase your water intake.

  • The buildup of fluids around your eyes can also be reduced by application of something very cold such as chilled cucumber slices. Place them on closed eyelids for fifteen minutes or till they get warm. You can also use frozen tea bags as an alternative.

  • Quit smoking as it makes your blood vessels appear more prominent.

If you use all the measures above then there is a less need to go for a pigmentation treatment to treat the dark circles.
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