- 1). Grab the Asian beetles on the plant with a pair of tweezers. Place in a lidded container and release in another section of the yard. Or, pour boiling water over the bugs to destroy them if you are concerned they will return to your flowers.
- 2). Collect the Asian beetles with a vacuum. Use the hose attachment on your home vacuum or shop vac and direct it at the lady beetles. The vacuum will suck up the bugs and keep them contained inside your vacuum's bag or canister. Take care not to accidentally suck up the leaves or flower petals. Empty the contents of the bag or canister into another section of your yard or pour boiling water over the bugs. A small hand broom can also knock the bugs off of your plants and into a container.
- 3). Spray the flowers with a strong spritz of water from the garden hose. The pressure of the water is usually forceful enough to knock the bugs off of your plants -- some will likely die from the impact, as well.
- 4). Place sticky traps on the soil around the affected plants. The Asian beetles will stick to the traps because of the strong adhesive. Toss the traps in the garbage when they are filled and continue to replace them until the Asian beetle problem is resolved.