You go out to dinner, and all of a sudden your nose starts running, or you think it's running, you wipe it with your napkin, oh oh, the darn thing is bleeding. Now, everyone sitting around you is commenting about it, you look around cautiously, and it appears everyone in the entire restaurant is looking at you, your enjoyable meal is ruined.
You go to an office party, and everyone is talking, eating and dancing, you start heading towards that girl or guy, you have been wanting to get acquainted with, and all of a sudden your nose starts bleeding, you quickly run into the bathroom and sit inside a stall for 20 minutes waiting for it to stop bleeding, by the time you come back out, that girl or guy you wanted to meet, has left the party.
Things like this happen to a lot of people all the time, and yet there are some folks who never get a nosebleed in their life. When I was a child and teenager I used to get them all the time it seemed. If I went 5 months without a nosebleed I was very happy, and when I got a nosebleed it wasn't just a couple drops of blood, heck no, my nose dripped blood like a slow dripping faucet. I could soak a wash cloth with blood, and ring it out.
Finally around the age of 16 or so, my parents finally took me to a local Hospital and the Doctor there took a look at my nose and decided to cauterize it. The Doctor used a small stick of something called: silver nitrate. If I remember it looked like a large wooden match, I can tell you that it didn't feel to good, it felt rather like someone quickly pinched my nose inside with pliers or applied a lot of pressure, luckily it was over very fast. And, to this day it stopped probably 95% of my nosebleed, now I rarely ever get one unless I have a severe head cold, and blow my nose a lot, then it's usually just a minor nosebleed.
Over the years I have learned some of the reasons why some people get a lot of nosebleeds. I will share these things with you, so you may find that one of these causes, is what is giving you nosebleeds, and you may be able to stop them for good.
1. Allergy to pain medications -Â Bufferin, Aleve, Advil, Motrin, Anacin, Excederin all reduce inflammation and can affect blood clotting and may even cause blood thinning, many folks are allergic to such medications, or become allergic to them later in life. I myself was diagnosed with being very allergic to such medication when I was around age 20. Most of them nosebleeds I had as a child and during my early teenage years, were quite probably caused by the aspirin's I took for headaches. I recently asked a pharmacist if a person was allergic to aspirin, due to bleeding, what other over the counter pain medications could that person take, the pharmacist said, nothing would be safe, except Tylenol.
2. Abnormal veins inside the lining of the nose -Â Inside the nose there are a lot of small blood vessels, in some folks these vessels lie very close to the surface of the skin or nose lining, it takes very little pressure to rupture these vessels, causing a moderate or severe nosebleed.
3. Being Rough - Getting Hit while in a fight, or by an object, or even Wiping the nose roughly with a towel when drying off from a shower can rupture a blood vessel inside the nose and cause bleeding.
4. Head Colds - When you get a head cold, be very careful when blowing the nose, blow it gently and wipe it gently. Don't sniff your nose with force, when it's runny, do it gently also, when you have a head cold, the lining inside the nose gets inflamed and the blood vessels swell slightly, this can make a nosebleed occur much easier then when you do not have a head cold.
5. Don't Pick - It is a common thing to pick the nose, things inside it just don't feel comfortable, but sometimes, you may dig loose a scab that has formed, or the edge of a finger nail, or even the rough end of a finger is all it takes to rupture a blood vessel, and get the nose bleeding.
6. Bending Over - Be wary of bending over when standing, the blood pressure levels in the head change, and force can build up enough, to cause a thin vessel inside the nose to rupture during bending over, or even several minutes after having been upright again.
7. Winter Nosebleeds - Winter time is a curse to folks that are prone to nosebleeds, the low humidity levels of winter, cause the air to become very dry, this makes the lining inside the nose to become dry and almost brittle, the skin covering the blood vessels develops minor cracks, and breaks easily in dry weather,causing severe nosebleeds. One remedy for this is to take a little vaseline, and using the tip of a finger, gently apply some inside to the lining of each nostril, before going to sleep, or during the hours you are awake, if you desire to do so. This helps keep the inside of the nose moist, and prevents it from drying out and cracking, and bleeding.
The above, things are just a few of the things I have discovered that can cause a nosebleed. I hope this article has helped you, and maybe you will have a lot less nosebleeds from now on. If you start getting nosebleeds suddenly, you should consult an ENT Specialist, because some nosebleeds can be a sign of an infection or disease, it's better to be safe then sorry later.
There is a website that answers questions about Nosebleeds and many other common ailments - Diseases - Medical Symptoms - Medical Conditions, and it may be found at this URL:
You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections. Â
You go to an office party, and everyone is talking, eating and dancing, you start heading towards that girl or guy, you have been wanting to get acquainted with, and all of a sudden your nose starts bleeding, you quickly run into the bathroom and sit inside a stall for 20 minutes waiting for it to stop bleeding, by the time you come back out, that girl or guy you wanted to meet, has left the party.
Things like this happen to a lot of people all the time, and yet there are some folks who never get a nosebleed in their life. When I was a child and teenager I used to get them all the time it seemed. If I went 5 months without a nosebleed I was very happy, and when I got a nosebleed it wasn't just a couple drops of blood, heck no, my nose dripped blood like a slow dripping faucet. I could soak a wash cloth with blood, and ring it out.
Finally around the age of 16 or so, my parents finally took me to a local Hospital and the Doctor there took a look at my nose and decided to cauterize it. The Doctor used a small stick of something called: silver nitrate. If I remember it looked like a large wooden match, I can tell you that it didn't feel to good, it felt rather like someone quickly pinched my nose inside with pliers or applied a lot of pressure, luckily it was over very fast. And, to this day it stopped probably 95% of my nosebleed, now I rarely ever get one unless I have a severe head cold, and blow my nose a lot, then it's usually just a minor nosebleed.
Over the years I have learned some of the reasons why some people get a lot of nosebleeds. I will share these things with you, so you may find that one of these causes, is what is giving you nosebleeds, and you may be able to stop them for good.
1. Allergy to pain medications -Â Bufferin, Aleve, Advil, Motrin, Anacin, Excederin all reduce inflammation and can affect blood clotting and may even cause blood thinning, many folks are allergic to such medications, or become allergic to them later in life. I myself was diagnosed with being very allergic to such medication when I was around age 20. Most of them nosebleeds I had as a child and during my early teenage years, were quite probably caused by the aspirin's I took for headaches. I recently asked a pharmacist if a person was allergic to aspirin, due to bleeding, what other over the counter pain medications could that person take, the pharmacist said, nothing would be safe, except Tylenol.
2. Abnormal veins inside the lining of the nose -Â Inside the nose there are a lot of small blood vessels, in some folks these vessels lie very close to the surface of the skin or nose lining, it takes very little pressure to rupture these vessels, causing a moderate or severe nosebleed.
3. Being Rough - Getting Hit while in a fight, or by an object, or even Wiping the nose roughly with a towel when drying off from a shower can rupture a blood vessel inside the nose and cause bleeding.
4. Head Colds - When you get a head cold, be very careful when blowing the nose, blow it gently and wipe it gently. Don't sniff your nose with force, when it's runny, do it gently also, when you have a head cold, the lining inside the nose gets inflamed and the blood vessels swell slightly, this can make a nosebleed occur much easier then when you do not have a head cold.
5. Don't Pick - It is a common thing to pick the nose, things inside it just don't feel comfortable, but sometimes, you may dig loose a scab that has formed, or the edge of a finger nail, or even the rough end of a finger is all it takes to rupture a blood vessel, and get the nose bleeding.
6. Bending Over - Be wary of bending over when standing, the blood pressure levels in the head change, and force can build up enough, to cause a thin vessel inside the nose to rupture during bending over, or even several minutes after having been upright again.
7. Winter Nosebleeds - Winter time is a curse to folks that are prone to nosebleeds, the low humidity levels of winter, cause the air to become very dry, this makes the lining inside the nose to become dry and almost brittle, the skin covering the blood vessels develops minor cracks, and breaks easily in dry weather,causing severe nosebleeds. One remedy for this is to take a little vaseline, and using the tip of a finger, gently apply some inside to the lining of each nostril, before going to sleep, or during the hours you are awake, if you desire to do so. This helps keep the inside of the nose moist, and prevents it from drying out and cracking, and bleeding.
The above, things are just a few of the things I have discovered that can cause a nosebleed. I hope this article has helped you, and maybe you will have a lot less nosebleeds from now on. If you start getting nosebleeds suddenly, you should consult an ENT Specialist, because some nosebleeds can be a sign of an infection or disease, it's better to be safe then sorry later.
There is a website that answers questions about Nosebleeds and many other common ailments - Diseases - Medical Symptoms - Medical Conditions, and it may be found at this URL:
You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections. Â