- 1). Start the engine by turning the ignition if your Corvair has a Powerglide transmission. Make sure the clutch is depressed if you have the manual transmission. The ignition on the Corvair is on the dashboard next to the radio.
- 2). Pull the parking brake with your hand. The parking brake is next to the steering column. The Corvair's Powerglide shifter does not have a "Park" position. The parking brake you pulled functions as the parking gear.
- 3). Locate the gearshift if you have an automatic transmission. The gearshift is on the dashboard to the right of the steering wheel. The gearshift order starting from the top is "R" for reverse, followed by "N" for neutral, "D" for drive and "L" for low gear. So the very top position is reverse.
- 4). Locate the gearshift if you have a manual transmission. It will be on the floor between the driver and passenger seats. Reverse is in the upper left position. A four-speed layout is to the right of the "R" position.