Health & Medical Men's Health

What It Feels Like to Boost Testosterone Levels

There's a massive difference in how it feels to be in the zone with a full measure of naturally produced testosterone, to be fit and active, sexually virile and charged full of zest for life versus being lethargic, sitting around on the sofa all day, dreading the alarm clock going off to start our days and dreading everything in our life because it feels like a chore.
After having been 32 kilograms overweight, and breaking free of the every declining level of health, every growing levels of obesity and needing a mirror to know I still have a penis, it wasn't that difficult correcting the decline in favor of boosting testosterone levels, doing seven minutes of heavy weights each day to produce even more testosterone and pulling out of the nose-dive into premature death.
There is no question that I am happier and healthier and now a champion of the merits of boosting testosterone for to quantum improvement in life's joy.
Realistically it only took a few days to feel the improvement because within hours of the first heavy-weights workout the brain has triggered the release of testosterone from storage and so there is a sudden burst of new found energy flowing.
Issues I hadn't even considered like my digestive system immediately improved, and it was my choice with enthusiasm to reduce my meal size and to take 1 hour brisk walks after my evening meals.
The weight started to fall off within weeks and whereas previously I had felt bloated, I now felt much slimmer - even when I still had a long way to go.
Soon enough my 1 hour brisk walks were happening two times per day, after lunch and dinner and my thinking was my clear and focused.
As the weight fell off of my gut, my energy levels continued to ramp up more and more.
I haven't looked back from when I took the decision to boost my testosterone levels.
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