Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Choosing the Finest E-Vapor Cigarette (Part 1)

The e-vapor cigarette, comprised of atomizers, nicotine liquid e-cartridges and batteries, has fast become an important part of the e-smoker lifestyle. It has even impacted their personal identity. Choosing the finest brand can be a daunting challenge. Before an e-smoker picks any brand, they need to consider some key basics. Here are the indispensable elements that will aid in making that informed decision. Quite simply, it boils down to 4 basic things: Design, Vapor Thickness, Flavor and Price/Warranty.


A well-designed or skillfully crafted e-vapor cigarette, one that holds a charge, prevents any messy leakage or overheating, provides an optimal vaping experience. The best e-vapor cigarette in the U.S. marketplace features two- or three-part designs. The two-piece design utilizes a cartomizer with integrated atomizer/nicotine liquid flavor e-cartridges. In three-piece models, the atomizer, battery component and nicotine liquid flavored e-cartridges are separate.

The various cigarette designs also come in different sizes---micro (or mini), long, and extra long. There are even choices of colors and exotic designs for e-smoker pleasure. Many companies even market disposable e-vapor cigarettes; others go one step further by offering a nice selection of disposable and rechargeable e-vapor cigars and e-vapor pipes. The e-vapor cigarette, cigar and pipe have been specifically designed to resemble a traditional cigarette, cigar or pipe.

You will also notice a color tip. The traditional look is an LED red on the tip that lights up with each e-smoker drag. However, depending on what brand is preferred, the tip might possibly have a green, blue, orange, or even amber LED. There is basically not much difference. However, if you are a traditional e-smoker who likes to blend in with a crowd without much attention, then the e-smoker might choose the traditional red LED. Green, blue, amber or orange LED tips will definitely attract the curious onlooker, and assuredly win an e-smoker a bit of notoriety. So, whether an e-smoker treasures anonymity, or prefers socializing and possibly answering questions from potential strangers, the pleasure is all yours.

Finally, if you are an e-smoker newcomer, you would be well advised to choose a starter kit most closely related to the type of smoker you are- - -casual or heavy. Each e-vapor cigarette smoking kit should ALWAYS contain a USB battery charger, a user manual, functional atomizer/nicotine liquid flavored e-cartridges, and the actual unit.

The e-vapor cigarette employs a lithium-ion rechargeable battery to power the heating element. Battery life varies depending on the battery type and size, frequency of use, and operating environment. Many different battery charger types are available, such as wall outlet, car, and USB chargers that plug directly into a computer USB port on a PC or MAC. The largest component of any e-vapor cigarette, however, is the battery. The battery is automatic or manual powered. An electronic airflow sensor will either automatically activate when the e-smoker inhales or require the manual pressing of a button with each draw. Either way, the e-smoker has the luxury of making the choice that assures a puffy e-vapor delight.
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