Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Dry Skin Solutions - Stop Itching Now

If you are like me, winter months bring with them the promise of a slower pace of life.
Evenings are spent reading, cooking, going out to the movies, and other relaxing indoor activities.
With winter comes something else as well.
Like clockwork, my skin gets dry and itchy.
I have generally attributed this midwinter malady to drier air and colder temperatures as well as my personal love of long, hot baths that open pores and deplete moisture content in the skin.
Yes, I try to moisturize regularly using the CayceCare(TM) product Olivae(TM) Skin Lotion, but sometimes I get a bit lazy on this front and it seems that once the dry skin settles in, it's there to stay until spring.
What Would Cayce Say? It has been years since I searched the readings on the topic of dry skin so I decided to see if there was wisdom there that our True Health readers would benefit from.
It was not at all surprising that there was! The following reading reveals the readings' philosophy about dry skin: "(Q) What causes a dry, scaly skin? Should this condition be remedied locally as well as generally; if so, how? "(A) This may be aided by the rubbing with a combination of Rosewater and Olive Oil - equal parts.
This is to soothe the skin, but the general applications should be from within.
" (274-9) What does Cayce mean when he says "from within"? Another reading elucidates this point.
"(Q) What causes my skin to be so dry? "(A) The poor circulation.
" (288-38) Healthy circulation was certainly a fundamental in the Cayce health philosophy.
Harold J.
Reilly, pioneer Cayce health practitioner, put circulation first in his famous Cayce C.
health guidelines (Circulation, Assimilation, Relaxation, and Elimination).
As I thought about poor circulation being a root cause of dry skin, it made sense.
If you live in a cold climate in winter as I do, you tend to be more sedentary.
Clothes are more binding.
Hence, circulation suffers.
Circulation, of course, helps deliver nutrients to all parts of your body, the skin (which is the largest organ of elimination) included.
Lack of proper circulation can cause toxic buildup, which Cayce often indicated is unhealthy for the skin.
Add this to the harsh elements, and the itching begins! What to Do? If you suffer from generally dry skin, the following Cayce reading offers you the best approach to relief: " .
specifically for the dry skin - we find it would be well once or twice a week to take almost a bath in Peanut Oil - but this more as a massage, to be sure.
A small quantity - say two tablespoonful - should be enough to make a complete massage.
Do this over the whole body.
Begin with the temples, the face, neck, shoulders, along the spine, limbs, arms - all parts of the body, and especially give this across the diaphragm area; that is, from the liver - or almost a circular portion of the body, see? This will make a glow and a circulation that will be most beneficial.
" (2582-1) The above recommendation is peanut oil based, so additionally I suggest daily use of Olivae Skin Lotion which is a combination of olive, almond, peanut, and lanolin oils, plus Vitamin E.
And I'd add an additional suggestion, which is to take a brisk walk daily when the sun shines! This is sure to improve circulation, lift your spirits, and give you a healthy glow .
even in the middle of winter.
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