- The tomato is not just tasty, it also repels insects.Pete Starman/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Whether your garden is for show purposes or just a small space carved out in your backyard for yourself, bugs and insects can create a real problem for you. Many gardeners do not like to use chemical pesticides because of the long-term effects of those chemicals. They may harm the soil and they pose a hazard to the general health of the gardener and the consumers of the garden's crops. However, chemical pesticides may not be necessary. Some varieties of vegetables are bug repellent. - Borage is an annual vegetable that is used in salads and soups. The leaves are said to taste like fresh cucumbers. The flowers are also edible and taste like honey. Borage repels tomato worms. Plant borage around your tomato plants to keep tomato worms away.
- Squash bugs are insects that feed on squashes, pumpkins, melons, cucumbers and any other cucurbit vine vegetables. Some varieties of squash are naturally resistant to squash bugs, however. These include royal acorn squash, butternut squash and sweet cheese squash. The yellow summer squash is resistant to the cucumber bug, which will feed on other varieties of squash.
- Seneca sentry corn has special leaves that make it resistant to the corn earworm, which is a type of caterpillar that feeds on corn and other vegetables. The leaves of this variety wrap much more tightly around the ear, forming a greater barrier to the corn earworm than other species.
- The tomato is a vine that produces a large red fruit with a great variety of culinary uses in salads, cooking and more. It has a strong repellent effect against the asparagus beetle, so plant tomato plants near your asparagus.
- The cucumber is a type of cucurbit vine vegetable. Unlike some other vegetables of its type, however, it is resistant to depredation by the squash bug. Fewer infestations of this bug are found in cucumbers than are found in many other cucurbits.
- Onions are root vegetables with a sharp taste that are used in salads and in cooking. Onions are supposed to have mild medicinal effects, similar to garlic. Though humans appreciate their smell, ants do not and are repelled by them.
- Garlic is a popular cooking vegetable with a pungent, powerful flavor. It is often used in sauces and meat dishes. It is reputed to have medicinal qualities such as boosting the immune system. Garlic keeps away aphids, Japanese beetles, spider mites and borers.
Seneca Sentry Corn