There's a quiet unspoken conspiracy going on here in the USA.
I would submit that the food manufacturers and medical orthodoxy, while no verbal agreements to conspire may have taken place, are the guilty parties.
Its clear that while lifestyle is the total reason for the degree of illness and poor health the nation finds itself, the food we eat plays more than a 75% role.
Processed, chemically enhanced, nutrient devoid foods that make up over 95% of what fills our grocery store shelves today is slow at its job, but none the less poison.
We were never meant to eat dyes, food additives, preservatives and other man made enhancements - regardless of whether the FDA, in its divine wisdom, says they are safe to eat! Its the foods we feed ourselves and our children that are at the core of type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease and other popular diseases today.
These diseases were rare in the late 1800's.
It wasn't till the forced pasteurization of milk and Proctor & Gamble's introduction of Crisco - the first hydrogenated oil - did we truly begin to see the arrogance of men, to think they could out-do mother nature.
And for one reason and one reason only - Profits.
Here we are all these years later still buying foods that are adulterated by manufacturers.
The rise in illness parallels the rise in processed foods contaminating the food supply.
Yes contaminating.
Yet the medical orthodoxy sits quietly by.
They never come out strongly against this evidence.
They, instead choose to push pills and potions to allow us to live broken and continue to poison ourselves.
Why I ask? As with any conspiracy its is for gain.
Imagine a country without diabetes for a moment.
All of those companies that currently prosper off of this illness would go by the wayside.
Now imagine a country without any of the degenerative disease of today.
We wouldn't need socialized health care.
Pharmaceutical companies would die off and the role of the physician would fade.
Who does it benefit that we remain and continue to get sicker? We are being poisoned.
That's a strong statement but true in every sense of the words.
Ask yourself when humans lost the ability to live past 60 years of age without medical intervention? Without pharmaceutical drugs? I have ancestors that lived into their 90's regularly, that took no drugs and only visited a physician in the most dire case of illness.
My grandfathers didn't take cholesterol lowering drugs, blood pressure controlling drugs or glucose management drugs.
So I ask the question again - when did we lose the ability to live past 60 years of age without medical intervention? I am enraged.
You should be too.
We are looked upon as hosts to a parasitic conspiracy to make us sick, keep us sick and take our hard earned money in the process of keeping us alive.
Put your foot down NOW.
Live a life of health and not illness.
Eat whole natural foods, organic foods, the foods of your ancestors! Buy nothing in boxes with ingredient lists that have chemical names.
Not one! Patronize the local family farms and farmer's markets.
Buy farm fresh eggs, poultry, beef and raw unpasteurized milk.
Don't fear animal fats.
The cholesterol theory is a myth.
The man who was one of the founders of the American Heart Association, a graduate of Harvard Medical School, Dr.
Paul Dudley White pointed this out in the early 1930's.
He denounced the lipid hypothesis and pointed out that the rate of myocardial infarction was rare in the late 1800's.
It increased by 60% in a short 20 year period while the population was integrating more hydrogenated oils and corn oils into their diets.
He suggested that based on his research people should return to natural animal fats.
The profit agenda won out unfortunately.
Humans have thrived for centuries without modern medicine.
The proof is our ancestors lives.
Show modern medicine the door.
Eat like your ancestors and live a healthy long life devoid of chronic degenerative disease.
I would submit that the food manufacturers and medical orthodoxy, while no verbal agreements to conspire may have taken place, are the guilty parties.
Its clear that while lifestyle is the total reason for the degree of illness and poor health the nation finds itself, the food we eat plays more than a 75% role.
Processed, chemically enhanced, nutrient devoid foods that make up over 95% of what fills our grocery store shelves today is slow at its job, but none the less poison.
We were never meant to eat dyes, food additives, preservatives and other man made enhancements - regardless of whether the FDA, in its divine wisdom, says they are safe to eat! Its the foods we feed ourselves and our children that are at the core of type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease and other popular diseases today.
These diseases were rare in the late 1800's.
It wasn't till the forced pasteurization of milk and Proctor & Gamble's introduction of Crisco - the first hydrogenated oil - did we truly begin to see the arrogance of men, to think they could out-do mother nature.
And for one reason and one reason only - Profits.
Here we are all these years later still buying foods that are adulterated by manufacturers.
The rise in illness parallels the rise in processed foods contaminating the food supply.
Yes contaminating.
Yet the medical orthodoxy sits quietly by.
They never come out strongly against this evidence.
They, instead choose to push pills and potions to allow us to live broken and continue to poison ourselves.
Why I ask? As with any conspiracy its is for gain.
Imagine a country without diabetes for a moment.
All of those companies that currently prosper off of this illness would go by the wayside.
Now imagine a country without any of the degenerative disease of today.
We wouldn't need socialized health care.
Pharmaceutical companies would die off and the role of the physician would fade.
Who does it benefit that we remain and continue to get sicker? We are being poisoned.
That's a strong statement but true in every sense of the words.
Ask yourself when humans lost the ability to live past 60 years of age without medical intervention? Without pharmaceutical drugs? I have ancestors that lived into their 90's regularly, that took no drugs and only visited a physician in the most dire case of illness.
My grandfathers didn't take cholesterol lowering drugs, blood pressure controlling drugs or glucose management drugs.
So I ask the question again - when did we lose the ability to live past 60 years of age without medical intervention? I am enraged.
You should be too.
We are looked upon as hosts to a parasitic conspiracy to make us sick, keep us sick and take our hard earned money in the process of keeping us alive.
Put your foot down NOW.
Live a life of health and not illness.
Eat whole natural foods, organic foods, the foods of your ancestors! Buy nothing in boxes with ingredient lists that have chemical names.
Not one! Patronize the local family farms and farmer's markets.
Buy farm fresh eggs, poultry, beef and raw unpasteurized milk.
Don't fear animal fats.
The cholesterol theory is a myth.
The man who was one of the founders of the American Heart Association, a graduate of Harvard Medical School, Dr.
Paul Dudley White pointed this out in the early 1930's.
He denounced the lipid hypothesis and pointed out that the rate of myocardial infarction was rare in the late 1800's.
It increased by 60% in a short 20 year period while the population was integrating more hydrogenated oils and corn oils into their diets.
He suggested that based on his research people should return to natural animal fats.
The profit agenda won out unfortunately.
Humans have thrived for centuries without modern medicine.
The proof is our ancestors lives.
Show modern medicine the door.
Eat like your ancestors and live a healthy long life devoid of chronic degenerative disease.