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The Apprentice: LA Recap -- A Recap of Episode 4

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In Case You Missed It

Trump hates quitters. The show opened with Trump calling the two teams and railing some more about how Michelle quit, and how he hates that. He really hates that. Really, really.

Like A Sheep to Slaughter?

Because of Arrow's losing record, their ranks have dwindled so Trump called to inform Kinetic that they need to 'volunteer' one of their own to join Arrow.

Surya, the Cincinnati, Ohio brand manager, reluctantly agreed to be the sacrificial lamb.

The First Rule to Success?

Don't bore your audience. Surya greeted his new team with his thoughts on how to improve their chances of winning. He termed them 'rules' and shared them - all of them - with Arrow's members, who quickly lose interest - as do we.

Cars and Chicken

Trump met the team on the Hollywood overlook, just off Mulholland Drive and in one of his 'classic' ramblings, started out talking about cars and ended up assigning the teams the task of creating and selling a new lunch bowl for the restaurant chain, El Pollo Loco. The team that sells the most lunch bowls will win.

100% Nepotism-Free Episode

Neither Ivanka, Don, nor any other Trump relative helped Trump out on this task. Rather, past winner, Sean, took the place of Trump's advisor and 'eyes and ears' on the task. El Pollo Loco also sent over its company's President and the Vice-President of Marketing, although they only appear with Trump at the beginning of the task, then disappear and briefly reappear at the end to give Trump some private advice.

Bowl Match-Up

Kinetic came up with a chicken and mango-pineapple salsa combo, that they called the 'Paradise Bowl,' which sounded like a college football game to us. Arrow went with a chicken and tortilla bowl that they gave the no-nonsense, straightforward name of 'Chicken Tortilla Bowl.'

Two Chickens and Bravado!

Marisa, the Wellington, Florida attorney, who butted heads with Heidi back in Week 2, clashed with Heidi again on this task over the marketing strategy. Marisa thought that the bowl should be called 'Bravado' which Heidi and the other team members shot down. Then Marisa wanted to hire two people in chicken suits to walk around near the restaurant to draw in customers. Again, Heidi and the others shot her down.

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

Aaron, Arrow's PM, decided to take a risk by sending two team members out to local businesses to try and make big sales, which would mean he would leave the team understaffed at the restaurant. Surya didn't like this strategy but they managed to make a huge sale of 22 lunch bowls at one establishment.


Arrow pulls out a resounding victory, beating Kinetic's sales by almost 36%. For their reward, in addition to being able to finally leave 'Trump Trailer Park' - they got a private Andrea Bocelli concert on the beach, a lobster dinner and a fireworks display.

Changing of the Guards

Arrow was ecstatic about moving into the mansion, while Kinetic was disgusted by the 'filth' that Arrow left behind in 'Trump Trailer Park.'

A Budding Showmance?

v After the private concert with Andrea Bocelli, Tim, the LA tutoring company owner, took to the piano. Apparently his ability to tickle the ivories was 'impressive' - according to Nicole, who seemed a little awestruck. Could this be a budding showmance?

Marketing's Where It's At

The El Pollo Loco people, Sean, and winning PM, Aaron, were all in agreement that the task came down to marketing. Arrow's marketing was simple (balloons and signs in front of the restaurant to attract customers) as well as risky (sending people out to make the 'big sale') but it paid off. Kinetic's came down to offering free samples at the drive-thru.

Know When to Shut Up

We're not sure if this is in Surya's 'rules to success' but Marisa could have used a course on this, as she managed to shriek her way into getting fired. When Trump has to tell you straight out to shut up, it definitely doesn't look good. Although we have to admit that Trump ruined that, when he said he had to fire Marisa because everyone on her team wanted her fired. He's going by consensus now? Why couldn't he have gone this route in Week 1 when Arrow wanted 'Frankie Suits' gone?

In Two Weeks. . .

There is no new episode next week, but the show returns in 2 weeks. . .with bees! We hope that means the 'buzz' on this show will get better!
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