Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Best Cellulite Treatment for You

Cellulite is a formation of fat cells among the connective tissues of the body that can give skin a lumpy, dimpled appearance.
It often manifests itself on body parts such as the stomach, buttocks, and thighs.
In the 1800s cellulite used to be something admirable and a sign of wealth and richness, but the times have changed.
Now about nine out of ten women are desperately looking for the best cellulite treatment.
Once thought to be exclusively linked to obesity, it is now known that cellulite can occur in anyone, regardless of weight and health.
Nobody knows why exactly we accumulate cellulite, but some possible reasons have to do with your diet, your lifestyle and your genes.
A carbohydrate-rich diet, sedentary lifestyle and smoking can lead to cellulite formation.
Cellulite is much more common in women due to hormonal reasons.
In fact, up to eighty percent of women over the age of twenty are affected by this condition.
It can be embarrassing and unattractive.
Fortunately, there are methods that may effectively reduce the appearance of cellulite.
There are many cellulite treatments advertised in the media and it is hard to determine which ones actually work.
The effectiveness of each product depends on a number of factors, including how much cellulite one has, age, and fitness level.
It is much easier for younger people to reduce cellulite.
Likewise, the less cellulite one has, the easier it is to diminish the appearance of it.
Therefore the best cellulite treatment is prevention.
If a person eats a healthy diet and exercises regularly in conjunction with cellulite treatments, results may be much better.
  When choosing a suitable cellulite treatment for yourself you will have many choices to consider.
Non-invasive methods, such as creams, body wraps, dry brushing and massage are effective for some people.
They are often very affordable and easy to use.
Most of these treatments are home treatments and only take some minutes of your time.
For a more drastic reduction of cellulite, there are options such as laser treatment, which uses laser beams and massage to tighten skin and reduce cellulite, and Mesotherapy, in which a chemical cocktail is injected directly into cellulite.
Both of these procedures are done by professionals.
They can be expensive and have certain dangers associated with them.
For many, a surgical procedure is too risky and not the best cellulite treatment, according to doctors.
In the end, you must consider your personal goals and physical condition to determine the best cellulite treatment for you.
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