Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Weekend Photo Trips

As those of you who have seen my photography know, I often take photo trips up to our friend's farm near Evansville, MN.
This takes some simple preparation on my part in order to make my time up there as productive as possible.
We already have a place to stay when we arrive, but you should make any reservations necessary for yourselves.
One thing we can never count on is the weather.
I pack accordingly.
from shorts and t-shirts to long pants and sweatshirts.
I always throw in rain gear, including boots.
And because mosquitoes view me as a feast, I always bring plenty of bug spray.
Of course I bring my camera equipment including extra batteries and a canvas chair.
We usually go up to the farm on Friday evening and go to bed fairly early, because we get up just before sunrise.
Light is so important in photography.
This is the time when you get long shadows and dramatic sunrises.
It is also the best time to find all types of wildlife out and about.
Sometimes it is so easy to find photo ops early in the morning.
We'll drive up and down gravel roads in the area and I'll just spot a picturesque scene.
For example, last month I saw a windbreak of trees just leafing out.
The lacy trees were beautiful by themselves, but the sky behind them was painted pastel shades of lavender, pink, peach and soft yellow.
A nice scene turned spectacular due to the colors in the sky.
Other photographs take more patience.
Sometimes I stop near a woodsy or marshy area.
I set up my chair and wait for the herons, eagles, deer and other wildlife to come by.
It doesn't always work, but at least I'll have spent a couple of hours enjoying nature.
If it does work and a heron or egret lands nearby, well, you get the picture (and so do I).
I'm never disappointed.
I always carry a camera with me up at the farm.
You never know when a photo op will present itself.
I was out on the lake fishing a couple of years ago when I spotted a loon in the distance.
He dove and surfaced right next to our boat.
I missed an awesome shot because I didn't have my camera with me.
I won't make that mistake again.
Late afternoon and early evening is another "golden" time for taking great pictures.
Long shadows and deep contrast adds drama to your photographs.
And the wildlife reappears from wherever they hide during the day.
Another fun time to get great photographs is in foggy weather.
A few years ago I drove down to Lake Harriet.
The fog was so dense that I could not see the lake from the road.
I walked down to the water and a lone sailboat, moored about fifty feet from shore, began to appear.
I took the shot.
It's rather eerie and one of my all time favorites.
Don't be afraid to try something different.
For instance, shooting toward the sun is an option IF the light is right.
Also, shooting from different angles can change a good photo into and awesome photo.
Last, but not least, don't forget to have fun.
A few weeks ago, after spending a couple of hours shooting some close ups of some bees, a nesting finch and some damsel flies, I took a short break to do some fishing from shore.
I caught a three pound bass on my third cast.
What a great weekend trip! Photo trips can really be fun if you're prepared.
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