Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Registered Nurse Salary in Illinois

If you are a resident of Illinois and seeking the most paying career opportunities in the form of salary, easy jobs and job stability, you can become a Registered Nurse by completing RN Programs. The completion of the program also makes you eligible for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) developed and administered NCLEX - RN Exam (the National Council Licensure Examination)  for an RN Licensure.
The earning of the Licensure also grants you the credential of a Registered Nurse and you are permitted to work in the various types of health care settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, health care clinics, long term care facilities, ambulatory care centers, intensive care units, physician's Office, home health agencies, schools, emergency rooms, OPD and other settings.
Factors Affecting RN Employments
The major factors that play an important role in offering better employment opportunities as a Registered Nurse include:
•    IL is the fifth most populous state of the United States of America with higher number of ageing population and Chicago is the largest and the third most densely populated city in the nation, offering ample employment opportunities to qualified nurses.
•    The state also locates many densely populated cities and metros, where the demand of registered nurses and advance registered nurses are very high. The state locates many reputed and ranking hospitals and health care clinics, and they are also the best employers. The University of Chicago Medical Center, is one of the best hospital in the nation as per the U.S. News & World Report 2010.

•    IL service sector, except health care industry is also affected by the continuous economic crisis and recent economic slow down, resulting in ample entry level employments only in the health care facilities throughout the state.
•    Better health conscious and the need of preventive health care measures have also surged the demand of qualified nurses.
Further, the American Bureau of Labor Statistics have also reported that the demand for Registered Nurses in the United States of America will see a phenomenal growth rate of 22% by 2008 to 2018, resulting in heavy job competition, easy employment, attractive salary and job stability.
 Registered Nurse Salary in Illinois
The average median Registered Nurse Salary in Illinois is around $81,000 annually and per hour wage is $35 - $50 - $60, depending upon the education, qualification, job position, experience and job location.

Career Prospect and Salary

By completing advance education for Masters, Post Masters, certification and doctoral, you can get easy employments in the higher level nursing position with lucrative salary.
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