As a relationship coach, I have come across a fair share of individuals who come up with the most negative of cliches when it comes to describing marriage and married life.
In truth marriage is as simple or difficult as you make it in your mind, since your mind comes up with the words first that form thoughts, ideas, actions and ultimately your personality.
Here are a 3 tips to help you keep your marriage against all odds, despite what people around you have reaped from marriage or what they expect of it.
1) Share things first.
Give your husband the feeling of exclusivity by sharing with him the parts of you that your best friend or your mother enjoyed before you got married.
In no way does this mean that you stop being as close to the other people in your life, it simply means that you put your husband before the other relationships and let him know just how much he means to you, by giving him the preference of being the first to know of your daily achievements, thoughts and ideas.
The advantage of letting him in your secrets first will allow him to feel at ease enough to share things with you in return, and value your relationship even more.
2) Count the bright hours.
You must have come across the naysayers, those who keep waiting for the, "honeymoon period" to end, or for you to have kids, or for you to grow fat and your husband to lose his hair, just about anything that might affect the level of happiness in your relationship.
The truth is that those who are waiting for your marriage to go down the drain are usually the ones who focus on the worst-case scenario for them as well.
Make the choice of counting only the bright hours and the happy moments with your husband and focus on them, since you will only become closer to what you love and want to be.
You might have to make a drastic cut in your circle of friends.
Keep in mind: those who do not want the best for your marriage certainly do not want the best for you as an individual either.
3) Choose being happy.
This last tip is short and sweet.
For all the times you know you are right in a debate, discussion or even an argument, choose being happy over being right.
Give in to your husband with a smile, knowing that being selfless at that point will help your relationship.
You already know the result of sticking to your guns in a heated dispute with your husband, now it is time for you to reap the benefits of giving in to his point of view in order to maintain harmony in your relationship.
This does not mean for you to become a pushover, just to pick your battles wisely, and decide at what times speaking up results in you avoiding happiness rather than achieving it with your spouse.
Keep your marriage against all odds with these tips that begin with correcting your own attitude and approach towards your relationship and your spouse.
Since these steps only involve your output, you know for a fact that will reap positive results since we are ultimately in control of only the things we think, say and do.
For more information on living your ideal marriage, visit my website.
In truth marriage is as simple or difficult as you make it in your mind, since your mind comes up with the words first that form thoughts, ideas, actions and ultimately your personality.
Here are a 3 tips to help you keep your marriage against all odds, despite what people around you have reaped from marriage or what they expect of it.
1) Share things first.
Give your husband the feeling of exclusivity by sharing with him the parts of you that your best friend or your mother enjoyed before you got married.
In no way does this mean that you stop being as close to the other people in your life, it simply means that you put your husband before the other relationships and let him know just how much he means to you, by giving him the preference of being the first to know of your daily achievements, thoughts and ideas.
The advantage of letting him in your secrets first will allow him to feel at ease enough to share things with you in return, and value your relationship even more.
2) Count the bright hours.
You must have come across the naysayers, those who keep waiting for the, "honeymoon period" to end, or for you to have kids, or for you to grow fat and your husband to lose his hair, just about anything that might affect the level of happiness in your relationship.
The truth is that those who are waiting for your marriage to go down the drain are usually the ones who focus on the worst-case scenario for them as well.
Make the choice of counting only the bright hours and the happy moments with your husband and focus on them, since you will only become closer to what you love and want to be.
You might have to make a drastic cut in your circle of friends.
Keep in mind: those who do not want the best for your marriage certainly do not want the best for you as an individual either.
3) Choose being happy.
This last tip is short and sweet.
For all the times you know you are right in a debate, discussion or even an argument, choose being happy over being right.
Give in to your husband with a smile, knowing that being selfless at that point will help your relationship.
You already know the result of sticking to your guns in a heated dispute with your husband, now it is time for you to reap the benefits of giving in to his point of view in order to maintain harmony in your relationship.
This does not mean for you to become a pushover, just to pick your battles wisely, and decide at what times speaking up results in you avoiding happiness rather than achieving it with your spouse.
Keep your marriage against all odds with these tips that begin with correcting your own attitude and approach towards your relationship and your spouse.
Since these steps only involve your output, you know for a fact that will reap positive results since we are ultimately in control of only the things we think, say and do.
For more information on living your ideal marriage, visit my website.