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"Committed" by Elizabeth Gilbert

Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert is the sequel to book club favorite Eat, Pray, Love.
Spoiler Warning: These book club discussion questions on Committed reveal important details about the story. Finish the book before reading on.
  1. Did you like Committed as much as Eat, Pray, Love? Why or why not?
  2. Gilbert intertwines her personal story of waiting to marry Felipe with information she researched on the history of marriage. Do you think the two threads (narrative & history) worked well together?

  1. Was any of Gilbert's analysis on the history and evolution of marriage particularly insightful to you? Which ones?
  2. Could you sympathize with Gilbert's desire not to marry Felipe?
  3. What do you think has shaped your own thoughts and expectations about marriage? If you are married, did you take time to reflect on the institution of marriage before entering it? If you are not married, did Gilbert's book affect your thoughts on whether marriage is worthwhile?
  4. Gilbert meets and interviews several native people in her travels around Southeast Asia. Did any of their situations surprise you? Did you have any favorites among the people she met?
  5. Rank Committed on a scale of 1 to 5.
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