- An oversize watch that features Mickey Mouse can be seen on Andy's wall in "Toy Story 2." Large watches such as the one represented in this film were on sale to the public at the time and have since become a collector's item. A Disney television series also receives a tribute with the logo from the Mickey Mouse Club serial "Spin and Marty" appearing on Andy's shirt as he leaves for camp.
- The Pixar movie "Monsters Inc." includes several references to other Disney characters in one scene. Sulley picks up a Jessie the Cowgirl doll from Boo's floor at the end of the film. Other visible Disney toys in the little girl's room during this scene are a clown fish from "Finding Nemo" and a Buzz Lightyear.
- Characters from the film "A Bug's Life" are briefly on a train that appears to be made of Barnum's Animal Crackers. Closer inspection shows that the boxes actually say Casey Jr. Animal Crackers after the character from the film "Dumbo."
- In the movie "Tarzan," the elephant blows bubbles with some forming into the shape of Mickey Mouse's head. A teapot and cups featured in "Beauty and the Beast" are also a part of the scene.
- King Triton attends a concert in "The Little Mermaid" that has Disney characters Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck among the crowd. Some mermaids can be seen wearing the Mickey Mouse ears.
- Mickey and Minnie Mouse appear in "Fantasia 2000" during the Pomp and Circumstance segment. Their appearance on the ark's roof comes when all the animals are on the deck after the rain. Artists on the film place their names in the landscape of the Rhapsody in Blue segment that features George Gershwin's instrumental piece of the same name.
- Dogs from the film "Lady and the Tramp" are briefly visible in the midnight back sequence as well as the following scene. During the midnight bark, two of the dog characters can be seen in a pet shop window. A silhouetted Tramp is spotted on the truck in an alley while a silhouetted Lady is on the lower left corner.
- "Beauty and the Beast" features the same dance from the film "Sleeping Beauty's" final dance sequence. Belle's father Maurice gets lost in the woods and comes upon a sign that points to Valencia and Anaheim, the location of Disneyland.
- The movie "Aladdin" features several hidden objects. As the camera pans over to the palace from village houses, the viewer can see satellite dishes and the golden arches of McDonald's. Figurines such as Pinocchio are a part of the sultan's toy building project.
Toy Story 2
Monsters Inc.
A Bug's Life
The Little Mermaid
Fantasia 2000
101 Dalmations
Beauty and the Beast