Health & Medical Men's Health

Common Side Effects of Male Enhancement Pills

Although male enhancement pills can be very useful for any man who needs assistance with improving one's sexual experiences it should be noted that there are some important side effects to watch for.
These are ones that can involve reductions in blood pressure and headaches.
Some changes in vision can occur as well.
A main thing to note about male enhancement pills is that they can cause the blood pressure of a user to drop.
This is so that the person who uses the pills will be able to get blood to move to the penis so that an erection can occur.
The reduction of blood pressure as a result of one of these pills will be especially important to watch for among those who are taking medicines for the treatment of high blood pressure.
Mixing a male enhancement drug with a blood pressure drug can be very harmful.
Headaches can occur in some men as well.
When the blood pressure is reduced through a male enhancement drug arteries can be opened up in the brain with ease.
As a result of this pressure can occur in the head and headaches can be caused as a result.
This is why a person should not be driving after taking one of these pills.
Vision problems can occur too.
Temporary changes can occur in color vision as a result of one of these pills.
This is due to how some chemicals in the body that work with cones in the retinas of the eyes are blocked temporarily due to the processes that the pills use for the body.
With this some temporary changes may happen in the eyes.
Color perception may not be completely perfect.
This adds to the reasons why driving is not recommended after taking any male enhancement pills.
Of course the talk about priapism, a condition where the erection that a man gets from using male enhancement pills is too long, is a troubling topic but it is still important to consider.
If an erection goes on for four hours or more blood vessels in the area can easily become damaged.
This can make it harder for the man to be able to get another erection in the future.
This is not common but it will help to call a doctor immediately if this condition is present.
These are all side effects to watch for when it comes to male enhancement pills.
These pills are ones that can be very beneficial to any man who needs help with sex.
It will be essential to watch for these side effects so that it will be known what to avoid doing when taking these medicines.
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