- 1). Understand that the key to removing chest flab is to combine weight building exercises with fat-burning cardiovascular workouts. Record what you consume for one week, using a food journal to write down everything you eat and drink. Calculate your caloric intake each day. At the end of the week, look for unhealthy junk foods, fats and sugars that you can cut from your diet to reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories per day.
- 2). Choose a cardiovascular activity that gets your heart rate up while moving your arms. Try swimming, using an elliptical machine or riding a spinner, all three of which exercise your arms, legs and core body muscles. Work your way up to 30 minutes or more of cardiovascular exercise each day.
- 3). Introduce targeted weight lifting exercises into your new workout routine two to three days every week. Select a weight that is heavy enough to present a challenge to lift but not so heavy that your elbows, wrists or shoulders feel strained when performing repetitions. Try five or 10 pound dumbbells to start. Work your way up to performing repetitions with 10- to 25-pound dumbbells.
- 4). Perform a series of three exercises -- 21s, alternating dumbbell shoulder press and alternating lateral raise with static hold. Execute three sets of each exercise with 10-12 repetitions in each set. Perform 21s by gripping a dumbbell in each hand while standing with your feet one foot apart. Hold the dumbbells at your sides, bend your elbows and bring the dumbbells up to your chest. Pause and bring them up to your shoulders. Slowly release your arms back to your sides.
- 5). Stand with your feet one foot apart. Bend your elbows and hold a pair of dumbbells an inch above your shoulders. Raise dumbbells one at a time above your head until your arm is straight, slowly bring the dumbbell back to starting position. Count one repetition after you complete a move with both your right and left arms.
- 6). Stand with your feet one foot apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Raise your arms and extend them straight out from your shoulders. Turn your hands so that your palms face forward. Hold your left arm straight out from your side while you turn your right palm so that it faces down and lower your right arm to your side. Raise your right arm back to starting position and repeat this procedure with your left arm. Count one repetition. Repeat three sets of 10-12 repetitions.
- 7). Continue watching your caloric intake along with this cardiovascular and weight lifting routine. Expect results of a less flabbier chest in about six weeks.