Business & Finance Social Media

3 Facebook Marketing Secrets Revealed That Bring You Business Now

Facebook is a powerful platform.
With over half a billion users, and counting, it provides an immense opportunity for business owners to pique interest, generate leads, and close sales.
There is such an extensive amount of functionality that it can be easy to get lost.
Do you start with a personal account? Do you look to add as many "friends" as possible?Should you start buying ads right away? There are over a dozen different methods to generating leads through Facebook.
Some allow you to automate your efforts, some cost money, and others require just a small amount of work for massive results.
Instead of testing them, wasting countless hours, or investing thousands in the wrong direction I invite you to consider the following strategies for getting leads today.
  1. Status Updates - On Facebook that simple field that reads "what's on your mind?"Because it can take less than a minute to type an update most business owners don't take it seriously.
    They share useless information or try to sell to their prospects daily.
    Status updates give you the power to pique interest, spread through the news feed and generate business.
    Instead of boring updates, consider ones that pique interest and give people a clear call to action.
  2. Cross Marketing - Although you might be newer to Facebook it's likely you have an existing website or blog.
    Take advantage of the current traffic by putting social plugins into action.
    Social plugins allow you to share the conversation that is occurring on Facebook with users on your website.
    Putting this free social marketing tool into action will have people eagerly clicking "like" and excited to interact more with your business.
  3. Marketing Schedule - Most business owners and individuals fail with Facebook because they lack a schedule.
    They aren't sure when to do updates, when to share videos, when to write videos, when to send an email blast, etc.
    Having a consistent schedule that involves gaining new fans, generating interactions, and conversion will enable you to make sales daily.
When you share interest piquing updates, put cross marketing into action and have a consistent schedule you will have a powerful marketing presence on Facebook.
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