- There are two main types of drums racks: square and round. The terms refer to the tubing and clamps to be used--square and round are not interchangeable. Most popular by far is the round type--there are many name brands as well as generic. Gibraltar and Drum Workshop are the two most popular round drum racks.
- In addition to whether the tubing is round or square, another important factor is whether the tubes are curved or straight. Curved tubes allow for a more circular setup while straight are more simplistic but have fewer setup options. Both the main rack tube and the side extensions come in straight and curved models.
- Drum racks are made up of many clamps. They hold tubes together and are usually black but can be silver as well. There are three main types: 1. Tube clamps, which connect the tubes together. 2. Rack clamps, which hold cymbal boom arms, auxiliary booms, mic stands. 3. Memory clamps, which are simply place holders to make setup faster and easier.
- Drum racks come in many different sizes, from one main tube with one extension to a multilayered "cage" that encloses the drummer. You must decide how big your drum rack will be based on your budget and many drums and cymbals you have in your set-up.
- Consider buying a used drum rack on eBay or Craigslist. Drum racks are made of steel, so buying a used rack is usually not a problem. Be careful that a used rack isn't rusted. Start small if you have to. Drum racks are interchangeable, and you can always add to it over time.
Additional Considerations