- Lettuce sea slugs have prominent back and side appendages known as parapodia. The parapodia on lettuce sea slugs fold and bunch, making their backs look like the top of a head of leaf lettuce. Some only have parapodia on their sides, making them look more like a piece of lettuce. These slugs have no shells to help distinguish them from tiny plant life. However, they have two thick and unruffled antennae that protrude from their heads.
- The coloration of lettuce sea slugs is typically brown or green, lending to their plant-like appearance. However, they also may be red, white, blue, yellow or any combination of these colors. Some have spots at the base of their parapodia. They also may have multicolored parapodia. The colors on lettuce sea slugs are typically bright. They are also iridescent, in some cases.
- Lettuce sea slugs can grow up to 3 inches (7.6cm) in length, much smaller than most heads of lettuce. There is no difference in size between male and female lettuce sea slugs. In fact, no part of their appearance is an indicator of gender.
- All sea slugs have a rudula, which is a mechanism with which they eat. Lettuce sea slugs have a rudula that is different from the rudula of all other slugs. Theirs is a needle-like structure. Lettuce sea slugs slice open algae cells with their rudula and suck out the interior. They then absorb the chloroplasts from within the cell, using them for photosynthesis. The ruffled expanse of parapodia on these slugs' backs helps them convert the chloroplasts into sugars. The chloroplasts travel up to the surface of the skin, get sunlight and convert into food for the slugs.
Lettuce Appearance