Pets & Animal Pets Cats

I Can Never Get Enough of Funny Cat Videos

My daughter loves cats.
She has since she was a very little girl, and she loves to watch funny cat videos at every available opportunity.
She recently told me that I should check out some of the ones she had downloaded, so I took a peek.
Before long, I was addicted, and still find myself watching funny cat videos all the time.
The one that always stands out to me is the video of the cat that is being washed by a monkey.
This was made popular by the David Letterman Show, who sent it to an awards show.
I don't remember the exact circumstances, but I just remember watching it with my daughter, who was about three at the time, and listening to her laugh hysterically.
It is something I will never forget.
One of the funny cat videos that I have actually saved to my computer is only about seven seconds long, but it involves a larger cat and a smaller cat squaring off face to face.
The smaller cat is standing on its hind legs and swatting over and over, kind of like a windmill at the larger cat, when all of the sudden the larger cat tackles the smaller cat.
It is called "Why Sumo is Better than Karate," and I can never get enough of that video.
My daughter has also saved some funny cat videos to her computer, including one where a dog is trying to come out of what appears to be a bathroom to no avail, because a cat is standing just outside of the bathroom swatting at the dog.
The poor dog keeps retreating into the bathroom, waits for a few seconds, and then attempts to come out again.
It gets to the point where you actually start to feel sorry for the dog, but you cannot help but laugh! The best of the funny cat videos that my daughter and I own, however, is one that my daughter actually shot herself.
We have two cats, Sox and Winston.
These two cats could not be more different.
Winston is very affectionate, laid-back and male.
Sox is a bit of a loner, uptight and female.
Winston was sprawled out along the edge of our coffee table, and Sox was right below.
Winston was cleaning himself, and would periodically reach under the table and slap Sox, who would hiss savagely, with her hair bristled along the top of her back.
My daughter and I watched for a good five minutes as this went on, and my daughter caught it all on tape! Funny cat videos can be a lot of fun to watch, especially if you are a cat person.
I know that I am always looking online for new ones I have not yet seen.
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