- Diamonds occur in a variety of colors, some of which may not be as popular with consumers. Diamonds can be treated with expensive tinting techniques, but this is not always the case. Some such diamonds are treated by an infusion technique, which will change the appearance temporarily. However, the coating can be scratched with a carbide tool to indicate such a treatment has been used.
- Surface coating is a form of tinting that is sometimes applied to off-color diamonds to produce a colorless diamond. This technique is known as painting and has been used for more than 50 years. Painting can make a diamond appear whiter and raise its grade. Reputable labs will not issue a report grading such diamonds. However, counterfeit reports may be issued.
- Colorless or nearly colorless diamonds are sometimes tinted. This can be a signal of a possible defect such as graphite or a tension fracture. While this has been a practice with smaller stones in the past, recent cases of diamonds of more than 18 carats have been reported.
Off-Color Diamonds
Tinted Off-Color Diamonds
Tinting Flawed Diamonds