Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend To Miss You! Act On These Tips & She Will Miss You Like Crazy

To get back your girlfriend after a breakup you will not have to move mountains. All you have to do is to create conditions that will make her miss you so much that she herself willfully comes back to you. Here are some ways by which you can make her miss you.

Become an invisible man
Well, to make her miss you, you need to be out her sight and this is the easiest part of the game. Take a much needed break and go on a vacation and when you come back have a wonderful tan to show. During this hiatus no calling, texting, or emailing; just vanish in thin air.

Don't lose focus
There will be times when the temptation to pick up the phone and call your ex-girlfriend will overwhelm you. However, show character and avoid falling prey to such temptations. Remember you have to sacrifice something to attain your goal of making her miss you so much that she begins to woo you back.

Make a grand entry
When you comeback everyone you knew should be left dumbstruck. Walk into your old world with a new body, fabulous tan and taut abdominal muscles. Your look should convey the message that you had a jolly good time.

Flaunt your new look
Now that everyone you know will be talking about the way you look it is time you showed up where your ex-girlfriend can see you. Remember your girlfriend has to only see you. Don't approach her with that forlorn look. Instead just acknowledge her presence and move on or make a quiet exit.

Keep up the act
Keep moving in and out of your ex-girlfriends sight for a few more weeks. As and when you do bump into each other, be warm and exchange pleasantries only and then move on.

Spread the word around
Your ex will want an update on all that you did or are doing and the best way she can glean this information is from common friends. So, go ahead and spin a convincing yarn and rest assured it will reach your ex's ears.

Get busy or at least act busy
By now your ex will have dropped all her defenses and will desperately want to be near you. Play hard to get and initially ignore her advances. This can be done by either acting that you are too busy or by casual dating. The key is to make her miss you so bad that she is forced to come back to you.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here
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