Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Making Money Beyond Mutual Funds

You've been good.
You live on less than you make and you're not drowning in debt.
Maybe you have a good 401k, some mutual funds and a bank account.
Maybe you have a financial planner managing your money for you.
In spite of doing this you may still be wondering if you have enough to send the kids to college or how you can support your aging parents.
Can you afford to retire before you're 70? Perhaps your dreams are such that you don't want to live on 80% of your current salary after you retire.
So what else is there? There are many options besides spending less and saving more.
If you aren't living on less than you make, or you're drowning in debt, you will need to get that under control first.
Once you do that you can learn how to make your money work harder so you can work less.
What are your options? They range from investments to real estate; starting a business to selling an idea.
What interests you? Once you determine that you can learn more about that area.
Do you love to watch the stock market? Maybe investing is for you.
You can research: investing; stocks; commodities; options; precious metals; etc.
Do houses and property fascinate you? Real estate may be right for you.
You can research: traditional real estate purchases; no money down strategies; tax lien certificates; foreclosures; wholesaling; rentals; rehabbing; etc.
Can you envision the perfect product? Maybe you are an inventor.
You need to protect your idea through an intellectual property attorney (patent attorney).
Then you can research: selling a patent; manufacturing; marketing your product; etc.
Do you dream about being your own boss and calling the shots? Owning and running a business may be for you.
You can research: business start-ups; franchises; home based business; network marketing; etc.
Does creating a system excite you? You may want to create a business.
You can research: starting a business; franchising; Each area is different and some may interest you while others may not.
Take some time, think about what interests you, do some research, get some training and go create an income stream!
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