Snoring does not only constitute a disturbance to those around you, it is one of the symptoms of the presence of sleep apnea in an individual.
Sleep apnea is a health danger because it is characterized by stops in breathing at regular intervals while asleep.
Due to this breathe cuts, oxygen supply to the brain is affected.
However you should note that it is not everyone who snores that are victims of sleep apnea.
It is estimated that the population of men that snore is 1/3 while the population of women that snore is ¼.
This ratio is said to increase with the increase in age or put in other words the older you become, the more likely you are to snore.
Snoring is known to be caused by interference in the airway passage of the throat.
This obstruction is created by the relaxation of the soft palate tissues around the throat.
The tongue sometimes join to block the passageway further constricting the space for air and thus creating snore sounds while breathing.
That is why it is better to sleep sideways instead of on the back so that the tongue does not fall backwards towards the throat.
A person who snores is oblivious of the sound he makes while asleep.
He becomes aware only after receiving complaints from those who share his sleep space with him.
Some people snore mildly while others are chronic and extremely loud.
Mild snoring can be tolerated and may not pose a problem to others but chronic snoring makes it difficult for others to ignore.
It often results in jabs from those around you.
So victims of chronic snoring must find a way around the problem by seeking out a lasting solution to this condition.
No one today can complain about not knowing what to do to put an end or at least control snoring.
Science and technology have invented different anti-snoring products that are available for any possible cause.
Some people snore because of congested nostrils while some snore because the throat airway is partially blocked.
Whatever the case, a snoring remedy can be found to tackle the problem.
Some of the devices and products available in the market today are: CPAP machine that keeps the airway open using a vacuum pumping device.
There is a nasal strip that is placed over the nose to help clear congestion and encourage breathing.
There is also the dental mouthpiece that is placed inside the mouth to position it in such a way that air goes into the throat easily.
Last but not the least is the strap attached to the jaw that keeps the mouth closed while sleeping.
The list of these products goes on and so if you dig a little further, you definitely will find one stop snoring device that will suit your condition.
Sleep apnea is a health danger because it is characterized by stops in breathing at regular intervals while asleep.
Due to this breathe cuts, oxygen supply to the brain is affected.
However you should note that it is not everyone who snores that are victims of sleep apnea.
It is estimated that the population of men that snore is 1/3 while the population of women that snore is ¼.
This ratio is said to increase with the increase in age or put in other words the older you become, the more likely you are to snore.
Snoring is known to be caused by interference in the airway passage of the throat.
This obstruction is created by the relaxation of the soft palate tissues around the throat.
The tongue sometimes join to block the passageway further constricting the space for air and thus creating snore sounds while breathing.
That is why it is better to sleep sideways instead of on the back so that the tongue does not fall backwards towards the throat.
A person who snores is oblivious of the sound he makes while asleep.
He becomes aware only after receiving complaints from those who share his sleep space with him.
Some people snore mildly while others are chronic and extremely loud.
Mild snoring can be tolerated and may not pose a problem to others but chronic snoring makes it difficult for others to ignore.
It often results in jabs from those around you.
So victims of chronic snoring must find a way around the problem by seeking out a lasting solution to this condition.
No one today can complain about not knowing what to do to put an end or at least control snoring.
Science and technology have invented different anti-snoring products that are available for any possible cause.
Some people snore because of congested nostrils while some snore because the throat airway is partially blocked.
Whatever the case, a snoring remedy can be found to tackle the problem.
Some of the devices and products available in the market today are: CPAP machine that keeps the airway open using a vacuum pumping device.
There is a nasal strip that is placed over the nose to help clear congestion and encourage breathing.
There is also the dental mouthpiece that is placed inside the mouth to position it in such a way that air goes into the throat easily.
Last but not the least is the strap attached to the jaw that keeps the mouth closed while sleeping.
The list of these products goes on and so if you dig a little further, you definitely will find one stop snoring device that will suit your condition.