In earlier days the word 'Dentist' itself gives a scary picture of cavities, tooth pain and tooth extraction, because those were the only reasons why people used to visit a dentist. And if it were senior citizens they would be going for the same with an extra addition of probable dentures. But that is not the case today. Things have changed dramatically. Now a days, many take good care of their teeth and more precautions to avoid cavity and other teeth problems. Despite this, there is an increase flow of customers into dental clinics. What could be the reason? Can you guess it?
The answer is very interesting. Today dentistry has taken a new meaning and a new wing has opened up and this is called the cosmetic dentistry. And San Diego Dentists are experts in this field. Now what is Cosmetic Dentistry? This is a part of dentistry that focuses on the looks of the dentures while the traditional dentistry focuses on the health of the teeth. As the world moves ahead, people are more worried about their looks. They link it very much to their self-confidence and courage for which they can go to any extremes. And when it comes to look the first thing that comes to mind is the face in general and the smile in particular. But when you smile your teeth are displayed. Just imagine how one would look when they smile with a pale teeth? Not too bad, but not that attractive too. Isn't it? That's the way people intercept it.
Normally what happens is as we grow older, the teeth starts loosing its sheen and shine. Though to some extent it is a natural phenomenon, but it is accelerated by the carelessness and unwanted habits of the human beings. This include intake of coffee and wine, smoking etc. that leaves a stain on the teeth making it look even pale than normally it would have be.
Now the question is what is the way to get rid of these pale teeth? Here is where the cosmetic Dentists come into play their role.
Dentists have a state of the art infrastructure and treatment mechanism especially for whitening the teeth. This is technically termed as Teeth Bleaching. They use a highly concentrated gel made of hydrogen peroxide which they apply on the teeth after clamping your mouth so that it doesn't move. Then a special type of light is focused on the area so that the gel penetrates into the top layer and cleans the enamel so that even strong stains are removed. After a certain time period of exposure, the dentist rinses the patient's mouth to flush out the gel. Once this is done, you can see the immediate effect. The teeth really sparkles making you wonders tuck.
No wonder San Diego dentists are flourishing. But it doesn't mean that the residents have problems in their teeth or its look, it just means that the beautiful looking residents want to look more beautiful by making their normal teeth brighter and whiter.
The answer is very interesting. Today dentistry has taken a new meaning and a new wing has opened up and this is called the cosmetic dentistry. And San Diego Dentists are experts in this field. Now what is Cosmetic Dentistry? This is a part of dentistry that focuses on the looks of the dentures while the traditional dentistry focuses on the health of the teeth. As the world moves ahead, people are more worried about their looks. They link it very much to their self-confidence and courage for which they can go to any extremes. And when it comes to look the first thing that comes to mind is the face in general and the smile in particular. But when you smile your teeth are displayed. Just imagine how one would look when they smile with a pale teeth? Not too bad, but not that attractive too. Isn't it? That's the way people intercept it.
Normally what happens is as we grow older, the teeth starts loosing its sheen and shine. Though to some extent it is a natural phenomenon, but it is accelerated by the carelessness and unwanted habits of the human beings. This include intake of coffee and wine, smoking etc. that leaves a stain on the teeth making it look even pale than normally it would have be.
Now the question is what is the way to get rid of these pale teeth? Here is where the cosmetic Dentists come into play their role.
Dentists have a state of the art infrastructure and treatment mechanism especially for whitening the teeth. This is technically termed as Teeth Bleaching. They use a highly concentrated gel made of hydrogen peroxide which they apply on the teeth after clamping your mouth so that it doesn't move. Then a special type of light is focused on the area so that the gel penetrates into the top layer and cleans the enamel so that even strong stains are removed. After a certain time period of exposure, the dentist rinses the patient's mouth to flush out the gel. Once this is done, you can see the immediate effect. The teeth really sparkles making you wonders tuck.
No wonder San Diego dentists are flourishing. But it doesn't mean that the residents have problems in their teeth or its look, it just means that the beautiful looking residents want to look more beautiful by making their normal teeth brighter and whiter.