Society & Culture  & Entertainment: America is a Democracy?

America is a Democracy?

We are mistaken when we label our country a democracy. It is a republic. Read on to understand why.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Dictators Seizing Democratic Nations - Silencing Masses and Media

Dictators Seizing Democratic Nations - Silencing Masses and Media

It is amazing how leaders rise from the masses as disrupters, protestors, and critics of the regime they are forced to live under. They rally the masses to fight the heavy hands of the then rulers, and they demand democracy - "power to the people" they say as they shout from the highest hi

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Extreme Assessments and Paranoid Conclusions

Extreme Assessments and Paranoid Conclusions

Society has changed within the last decade, but the methods used for determining paranoia, psychosis, and mental illness, in regards to the belief that one is under surveillance are still fairly antiq

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Ghostly Hauntings of the City of Exeter

The Ghostly Hauntings of the City of Exeter

As a fan of ghost stories and the supernatural I thought I would write about some of the more well known ghost stories from the city of Exeter, England. The city of Exteter is well known for its shipp

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: HiztoriaFor Discussing About Websites

HiztoriaFor Discussing About Websites

By reading this article you can little know about Hiztoria so don't wait join Hiztoria at earliest and start enjoying internet.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Miguel Ramon Martin Azueta in Mexico

Miguel Ramon Martin Azueta in Mexico

Miguel Ramon Martin Azueta is an avid food lover from Cancun, Mexico. Miguel has been an avid contributor to the local cuisine, such as the invention of the 'Miguel Martin' specialty dish of guacamole

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Vanity License Plates Are Annoyances for Drivers, State Governments and Taxpayers

Vanity License Plates Are Annoyances for Drivers, State Governments and Taxpayers

The seemingly insignificant issue of specialty license plates is currently being heard, believe it or not, by the United States Supreme Court. The justices are deciding whether the state of Texas should be required to issue a specialty plate featuring the confederate flag, after a request from a gro

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Wearing Of Mens Wedding Rings Today

The Wearing Of Mens Wedding Rings Today

Although the wearing of mens wedding rings is becoming increasing common today this is a relatively recent change and is still not entirely accepted by many men.It has been traditional for woman to wear wedding rings almost since history began and there are records of an exchange of rings at wedding

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Real love is something that can happen

Real love is something that can happen

True love is something that can happen no matter the circumstances of the situation. Whether you are a poor beggar boy chasing after the heart of a princess, a chivalrous and courageous Knight immense

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: President Potato Head and His Christian Soldiers

President Potato Head and His Christian Soldiers

Around the world people are rediscovering the Solanum tuberosum, a starchy tuberous root vegetable that was first cultivated in Peru some 7,000 years ago, or so says Wikipedia.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Carhartt Bibs And Overalls: Tried And True

Carhartt Bibs And Overalls: Tried And True

As a laborer or professional, you can understand the necessity for having a rugged and superior quality work wear. You need protection and maybe warmth, but most importantly you need to feel comfortable and secure in your work wear. There are many reputable designers of professional, manual working