Notes on Panic Attack Symptoms
If you suffer from what you think may be panic attacks, the first thing to do is to make a list of your symptoms. This is because although you may indeed be having panic attacks, ...
If you suffer from what you think may be panic attacks, the first thing to do is to make a list of your symptoms. This is because although you may indeed be having panic attacks, ...
It can be really hard sometimes to say "no" to people. Many times in life co-workers, friends, family members, and even strangers will ask for favors or help that we are not comfortable doing or giving. Learning to say "no" to people is important because it helps create boundar
An anxiety symptom can be many things. In today's world it is a general event to feel fearful or anxious sometime going through the course of the day.
Self-esteem -- your perception of your worthiness -- develops during your early childhood years and can have an enormous effect on you even into your late adult years. Low self-esteem can become a vicious cycle and can result in depression, loneliness, a lack of close relationships and even suicide
It's really difficult to grasp out the truth regarding why a jovial child suddenly goes into a crazy paroxysm spell along with mood swings as well at times? The reaction would be that he requires better trouncing and that...
While anger is a common enough emotion that usually arises as a result of a frustrating situation, it can become a problem when an individual is no longer able to control themselves.
Precisely what is an addiction? On the surface, most people believe that the definition of addiction is to have a loss of control over the usage or involvement in injurious practice, usually involving medications or ...
The National Institutes of Health published a guide called Preventing Drug Use in Children and Adolescents, which acknowledges that prevention measures must start early. School programs, family discussions and community-based drug prevention programs are popular and effective methods of drug prevent
Antidepressant treatment ups a person's risk of suicide attempts -- but cuts the risk of actual suicide, data from Finland reveal.
Panic disorder is more common than you may believe, and it is also severely debilitating. The good news is that options to treat the problem are innumerable and might include counseling and/or medication. By way ...
Typically, in this society emotions take a back seat to our rational selves. We pride ourselves on reason and logic, and our ability to manage day-to-day problems using both of these latter characteristics. But some would argue, and I would agree with them, that giving our emotions a back seat to lo
When you and your spouse married, you likely looked forward to an idyllic life together, a future free of drama and discord. Your reality, however, may differ from your expectations. However, despite the challenges of living with a wife who has bipolar illness, you remain committed to her in sickn
The effects of mixing alcohol and any medication can be deadly. They differ between people due to other factors, such as weight, body chemistry, tolerance and the time frame involved. Since there is an element of unpredictability every time these substances are mixed, it is wise to avoid doing this.
Applying for admission to a doctoral program in psychology can be overwhelming. With many different of types of programs and different schools, there is an equally wide variety of prerequisites. While not all schools have prerequisite undergraduate coursework, there are several classes that are comm
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is an effective psychotherapy for a wide range of problems such as depression, anxiety, and OCD. As a psychiatrist and therapist in Edinburgh I make extensive us
Learn about tools for measuring stressStress image by Yvonne Bogdanski from Fotolia.comIn the 21st century working environment with its high-pressure demands and long work hours, stress is a common malady that can affect anyone. If you work in a potentially high-stress environment, it is...
Grief cannot find resolution if the sufferer refuses to express it. An Australian organization devoted to helping people cope with grief, the Emotional Health Centre, teaches a technique known as Block and Tackle that helps family members face and work through the loss of a child in the family.
Why are some people more apt to develop panic disorder than others? Well, because there are certain principal facts that magnify the prospect that you will suffer panic disorder. If you get panic attacks on ...
Its now recognized that rTMS can be highly effective in treating major depressive disorder. Can it also augment antidepressant therapy where antidepressants alone have failed?
There are unique ways to improve your memory information and several different kinds of memory are stored in diverse parts of the individual mind. Inside mere seconds, the brain should be able to drag details like telephone figures or dates. But our minds do not often permit us to retrieve the memor