Home & Garden: How to Clean a PS2 Controller

How to Clean a PS2 Controller

The controllers for the PlayStation 2 are crucial elements of game play. If your controllers are not properly cleaned or maintained, you may be forced to make a costly replacement. The controllers are used to maneuver through the video games, and users are constantly pressing the numerous buttons of

Home & Garden: Bad Boyfriends and Home Security

Bad Boyfriends and Home Security

It can happen to the best of women, no matter how smart or independent. In fact, a lot of the time it happens more to both smart and independent women, especially those who are self-made and capable of taking care of themselves. After all, this is the type of woman who is able to amass the money nec

Home & Garden: Electronic Locksmiths NYC Are In Demand

Electronic Locksmiths NYC Are In Demand

Opening the electronic lock is just like pressing the button. The electronic NYC locksmith can add most of the variation to electronic locks. The electronic locksmith can truly add the passwords and c

Home & Garden: Original Swat Boots Varieties

Original Swat Boots Varieties

The founder of the Original Swat boots has been part of the footwear industry in the UK from 1980 onwards though the company was established in USA only in 1999. Besides the Original Swat Classic 9" boots, which are quite well known, the company has got a name in dress shoes, and other shoes li

Home & Garden: How Do Fluorescent Lights Function?

How Do Fluorescent Lights Function?

Fluorescent lights are composed of two parts, a ballast and a gas-filled tube. When you turn on a fluorescent light, the ballast sends an electric current through the gas-filled tube, causing a chemical reaction that produces light. Fluorescent lights have many applications and are more environmenta

Home & Garden: How to Buy Groceries for Almost Free

How to Buy Groceries for Almost Free

Families of all sizes could effectively slash their grocery budget by making a few changes to their shopping habits. The cost of food is generally on the rise, and eating healthy -- whether you go for fresh fruits and veggies, preservative-free options or organic foods -- is even more expensive. Ide

Home & Garden: Nursing Home Skin Care Regulations

Nursing Home Skin Care Regulations

Federal regulations guide the care given to nursing home residents.nursing- helping hands image by Wingnut Designs from Fotolia.comNursing homes provide care to elderly and seriously ill people who cannot care for themselves. The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations at Title 42, especially in...

Home & Garden: Military GearIs It Just For The Military?

Military GearIs It Just For The Military?

The answer to the above is a resounding no. Whilst the name says what the gear is for, it doesn't mean it is just for the military. You or I could have reason to use military gear, and it's freely available to purchase.

Home & Garden: Personal Safety Tips - a Soldier's Perspective

Personal Safety Tips - a Soldier's Perspective

An attacker can be just about anyone and sometimes people that you least expect. Take the current situation in Iraq for example. When the war began we had a clear enemy, they had uniforms, weapons and

Home & Garden: How to Get a Government Rebate for ENERGY STAR Appliances

How to Get a Government Rebate for ENERGY STAR Appliances

In early to mid 2010 (depending on the state), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is offering rebates for ENERGY STAR energy efficient appliances. Eligible appliances vary by state and may include refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, heat pump water heaters, solar water heaters, and many m

Home & Garden: Uses of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid As Chemical Buffer

Uses of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid As Chemical Buffer

EDTA chemical chelator binds to bacteria and heavy metals.molecules of the chemical formula image by Oleg Verbitsky from Fotolia.comThe special characteristics of chemical chelators and buffers, like ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, are useful as common agents that remove heavy metals and...

Home & Garden: How to Shape a European Fan Palm

How to Shape a European Fan Palm

European fan palms earn their name from their large fans of leaves. This hardy palm survives much colder temperatures than other palm varieties, making it a suitable choice in areas that get as cold as minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Fan palms produce multiple stems at the base, creating small clusters

Home & Garden: How to Get Rid of Little Red Bugs

How to Get Rid of Little Red Bugs

There are two types of little red bugs that no one wants around, but for completely different reasons. Chiggers bite and produce an itch that is nearly as intense as poison ivy. Clover mites do not bite but they are a nuisance pest that can sometimes invade homes in extremely large numbers. Both are

Home & Garden: Recycled Shelving Ideas

Recycled Shelving Ideas

Use old crates to make shelves.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty ImagesWhen you want to make an environmentally friendly design statement in your home, use recycled materials and objects to create shelves. By using materials that would otherwise be thrown out, you can reduce waste and...

Home & Garden: Generac-QT13068 Liquid Cooled Generators

Generac-QT13068 Liquid Cooled Generators

Stay ahead of trends. Power outages are increasing across our land. Weather is a contributing factor as well as excess demand on utility companies. Don't become a victim to either. Learn how

Home & Garden: The Benefits of Installing a Wireless Intercom System

The Benefits of Installing a Wireless Intercom System

Thinking that installing an intercom system in your home may be a pain? Think again, with wireless technology the installation process is a breeze. Read on to find out more about how a wireless intercom in your home can be of benefit to you.