It can happen to the best of women, no matter how smart or independent.
In fact, a lot of the time it happens more to both smart and independent women, especially those who are self-made and capable of taking care of themselves.
After all, this is the type of woman who is able to amass the money necessary to take care of not just one, but two people, and there is often very little point in a manipulative person manipulating someone who has no resources.
The sort of scamming and tactics that would appear painfully obvious if coming from some stranger take on a whole new appearance when perpetrated by someone's boyfriend, and no woman wants to admit that she has been had, or that someone she has invested a lot of time and energy into could just be using her for her money and a place to stay.
But this is not something that is a new concept.
While so much of the time in decades past, families wanted to marry their daughters off for family, job, and home security, there were just as many unemployed and incompetent yet controlling men who would spend family fortunes that they had never worked a day in their lives for.
The best thing for a woman to do who thinks she might be dating a man who is simply using her is to get out of the relationship as soon as possible, before spending too much money or offering up a place to stay for too long.
However, men who are good at this game will often times have already moved in--because where is someone who is broke going to stay otherwise? And once they have their meal ticket, these type of men often become very irritated and aggressive when told that they might actually have to get out there and do something for themselves, or at the very least find another woman who might tolerate their completely unacceptable behavior.
For any woman who has had enough and is ready to give the boot to a bad boyfriend, the first and most important thing to do is to make sure that there are support systems in place.
Have friends over for when the event is planned to take place.
Change all of the locks.
Install a home security system with the best monitoring possible, and make sure that there is a panel on both the main floor and the second floor of your home, so that you can arm the system from just about anywhere.
In most cases, just proving that you mean business and being firm and unrelenting will be enough.
It's also important that your bad boyfriend realize there are good influences in your life who will back you up.
If you appear to be isolated, it might be considerably more difficult to get him out.
In the cases where a bad boyfriend might decide he's not going to leave, do not try to convince him otherwise on your own.
Get the police and trusted family friends involved, so that there are legal ramifications for any of his threats or refusal to remove himself from your home.
And as stressful and time-consuming as the entire process might sound, just always remember this: it's a whole lot better than having him around mooching off of you for your entire life.
Now you're free to meet someone new and nice.
In fact, a lot of the time it happens more to both smart and independent women, especially those who are self-made and capable of taking care of themselves.
After all, this is the type of woman who is able to amass the money necessary to take care of not just one, but two people, and there is often very little point in a manipulative person manipulating someone who has no resources.
The sort of scamming and tactics that would appear painfully obvious if coming from some stranger take on a whole new appearance when perpetrated by someone's boyfriend, and no woman wants to admit that she has been had, or that someone she has invested a lot of time and energy into could just be using her for her money and a place to stay.
But this is not something that is a new concept.
While so much of the time in decades past, families wanted to marry their daughters off for family, job, and home security, there were just as many unemployed and incompetent yet controlling men who would spend family fortunes that they had never worked a day in their lives for.
The best thing for a woman to do who thinks she might be dating a man who is simply using her is to get out of the relationship as soon as possible, before spending too much money or offering up a place to stay for too long.
However, men who are good at this game will often times have already moved in--because where is someone who is broke going to stay otherwise? And once they have their meal ticket, these type of men often become very irritated and aggressive when told that they might actually have to get out there and do something for themselves, or at the very least find another woman who might tolerate their completely unacceptable behavior.
For any woman who has had enough and is ready to give the boot to a bad boyfriend, the first and most important thing to do is to make sure that there are support systems in place.
Have friends over for when the event is planned to take place.
Change all of the locks.
Install a home security system with the best monitoring possible, and make sure that there is a panel on both the main floor and the second floor of your home, so that you can arm the system from just about anywhere.
In most cases, just proving that you mean business and being firm and unrelenting will be enough.
It's also important that your bad boyfriend realize there are good influences in your life who will back you up.
If you appear to be isolated, it might be considerably more difficult to get him out.
In the cases where a bad boyfriend might decide he's not going to leave, do not try to convince him otherwise on your own.
Get the police and trusted family friends involved, so that there are legal ramifications for any of his threats or refusal to remove himself from your home.
And as stressful and time-consuming as the entire process might sound, just always remember this: it's a whole lot better than having him around mooching off of you for your entire life.
Now you're free to meet someone new and nice.