Health & Medical: Head Pain Caused by Toothache

Head Pain Caused by Toothache

ToothachesA toothache is pain in or around the teeth or jawbones. The main causes of toothaches are dental problems or issues with the jaw. Problems include gum diseases, cavities, tooth root issues, infection or spasms in the jaw muscles. With a condition already present in the gum or...

Health & Medical: Essential Treatments For Lower-Back Pinched Nerve

Essential Treatments For Lower-Back Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve in or around your lower back is usually a nerve in your spine that has become irritated or compressed. This pinched nerve condition is usually termed Sciatica, which is...

Health & Medical: Back Pain Health Center Guide

Back Pain Health Center Guide

Got back pain? Learn about its causes, symptoms, tests, and treatments. Use this WebMD Health Guide to feel better, get support, and strengthen your back to curb back pain.

Health & Medical: Arachnoiditis


Information on arachnoiditis -- a painful disorder caused by inflammation of the arachoid.

Health & Medical: Common Risk Factors for Lower Back Pain

Common Risk Factors for Lower Back Pain

There are a variety of factors that may contribute to your back pain and its recurrences. At any given time, more than one of these factors may be at work. Learn more about these risk factors and how to properly address and manage them.

Health & Medical: Back Pain Relief Through Yoga

Back Pain Relief Through Yoga

Everything from sore neck to headaches to the ever-popular lower back pain can be traced to bad posture and unhealthy sitting habits at the computer. Lets face it, the human body was not designed to sit for hours at a time in one spot and stare forward motionless. But, since we all must work, and mo

Health & Medical: Looking Good, But Feeling Bad? Dress to Feel Better

Looking Good, But Feeling Bad? Dress to Feel Better

Can the shoes you wear affect the alignment of your spine?Poor alignment can cause lower back pain.Putting a wallet in your back pocket can cause back pain.Is the way you dress causing aches and pains?

Health & Medical: Heal Your Headache

Heal Your Headache

Learn how to prevent and heal your headache in various ways. This article shows you how to do this by the type of headache you are experiencing.

Health & Medical: Ridding Yourself of Back Pain

Ridding Yourself of Back Pain

No matter how intense or chronic your back pain is, your greatest concern is how you can begin ridding yourself of the pain. However, back pain is one of those types of pain that you can have for weeks, months, or years and it just doesn't seem to go away. There are plenty of ways of getting te

Health & Medical: Different Types and Approaches to Chiropractic Treatments

Different Types and Approaches to Chiropractic Treatments

Chiropractic treatment has become very popular nowadays not only because of the medical community's growing acceptance of this natural health method. Its success may also be attributed to the positive testimonials that most patients have been reporting.

Health & Medical: Frozen Shoulder Relief Through Chiropractic Care

Frozen Shoulder Relief Through Chiropractic Care

Frozen shoulder is treated quickly and effectively by chiropractors across the country. Chiropractic care can decrease your pain and increase your range of motion by improving the function of the joint.

Health & Medical: Lower Back Pain and Weight Loss

Lower Back Pain and Weight Loss

Notice how the article title isn't "Lower Back Pain and Dieting"? There's a reason for that, and you probably heard it before. While lifestyle changes work, diets don't.

Health & Medical: Headache Resources

Headache Resources

There are a lot of great Guides on and many of them write about topics that relate to migraines and headaches. Here is a representative list of useful headache-related content around the network.

Health & Medical: Treatment of Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis

Treatment of Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis

The most common causes of heel pain is a condition called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a broad band of tissue which originates from the heel, runs along the sole of the foot and connects to the toes.