Health & Medical: Preventing High Blood Pressure

Preventing High Blood Pressure

It would be nice if there were an immunization vaccine available for preventing high blood pressure like there are vaccines that prevent small pox, measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, etc. We could all just get our "high pressure vaccine" and forget about it. Unfortunately the high press

Health & Medical: Coffee And Your Heart

Coffee And Your Heart

Find out whether moderate coffee drinking is safe for heart health.

Health & Medical: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of omega-3 fatty acids including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Transcatheter Valve Therapy

Transcatheter Valve Therapy

The field of percutaneous structural heart disease therapies continues to advance rapidly and this overview will keep you up-to-date.

Health & Medical: Why Your Cholesterol Level is Important to Your Health

Why Your Cholesterol Level is Important to Your Health

A 2007 report from the Women's Health Study showed that high levels of cholesterol, even in healthy women, was a risk factor that increased a woman's chances of having a stroke.Why is your cholesterol level so important?

Health & Medical: Can Excess Cholesterol in the System Cause a Heart Attack?

Can Excess Cholesterol in the System Cause a Heart Attack?

Do not forget while cholesterol does cause serious heart problems, it is still a natural function of your body. However, a problem arises when there is too much bad cholesterol accumulating in the body and it cannot be maintained thus affecting the arteries.

Health & Medical: Mitral Valve Stenosis-Other Places To Get Help

Mitral Valve Stenosis-Other Places To Get Help

OrganizationsAmerican College of Cardiology9111 Old Georgetown RoadBethesda, MD 20814 - 1699Phone: 1 - 800 - 253 - 4636, extension 694(301) 897 - 5400Fax: (301) 897 - 9745E - mail: resource@acc.orgWeb Address: Contact the American College of Cardiology for information about heart