Health & Medical: Silent Heart Attacks

Silent Heart Attacks

Heart attacks, known by their medical name of acute myocardial infarction, is a state of disease that involves the interruption of the bloody supply to part of the heart. The result is a shortage of oxygen that can damage the heart tissue and potentially kill. Heart attacks are the leading cause of

Health & Medical: What You Should Know About Heart Disease Vaccinations

What You Should Know About Heart Disease Vaccinations

Heart disease is a major health problem worldwide. A new vaccine, which is in experimental phase, promises to reduce the risk of heart disease by two thirds, preventing cholesterol affect the arteries. If tests on humans will record good results, the vaccine will begin shipping in 3-5 years, writes

Health & Medical: Anemia and 1y Mortality With Acute Myocardial Infarction

Anemia and 1y Mortality With Acute Myocardial Infarction

The association of anemia with short- and long-term mortality has been studied in patients with end-stage renal diseases, post-coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), in critically ill patients, and perioperatively, but not in patients with acute coronary syndromes.

Health & Medical: 3 Tips to Get High Cholesterol Into the Normal Cholesterol Range

3 Tips to Get High Cholesterol Into the Normal Cholesterol Range

If you have been diagnosed as having high cholesterol and want to get back into the normal cholesterol range, the good news is that it can be done without the use of statin drugs. Statins are the normal prescription used to control cholesterol, but they do carry many serious side effects with them,

Health & Medical: Ways to Lower Cholesterol

Ways to Lower Cholesterol

High levels of cholesterol can cause heart disease and other wide ranging diseases. You need to protect yourself from these diseases by paying careful attention to your diet, lifestyle, and current medical conditions. You can beat high cholesterol levels but you need to know what is good cholesterol

Health & Medical: Diet to Lower High Cholesterol - Important Guidelines For Cholesterol Reduction

Diet to Lower High Cholesterol - Important Guidelines For Cholesterol Reduction

Ever wondered why some individuals never struggle with their cholesterol levels, when you have to work hard to keep those cholesterol readings down? Well, there can be many reasons why some individuals never have high cholesterol. But did you know that a diet to lower cholesterol is the normal way o

Health & Medical: Coronary Artery Disease-Frequently Asked Questions

Coronary Artery Disease-Frequently Asked Questions

Learning about coronary artery disease (CAD):What is CAD?What causes CAD?What are the symptoms of CAD?What increases my risk for CAD?What is my risk for having a heart attack?When do I need to see my doctor?Being diagnosed:What is important for my doctor to know about my condition?How will my ...

Health & Medical: Healthier Lifestyle After at-Home Genetic Test?

Healthier Lifestyle After at-Home Genetic Test?

The marketing for controversial at-home genetics kits claim to empower users with the information they need to take steps to improve their health. But a new study suggests that, in the short term at least, the tests have little impact on behavior.

Health & Medical: Should I Take a Daily Aspirin to Prevent a Heart Attack?

Should I Take a Daily Aspirin to Prevent a Heart Attack?

We all should be taking a daily aspirin to prevent a heart attack, right? Actually what most people don't know is that the risk of having a stomach bleed that can be potentially life threatening outweighs the benefits of aspirin in preventing heart attacks in people without a history of heart d

Health & Medical: Heart Disease: Prevention Myths-Topic Overview

Heart Disease: Prevention Myths-Topic Overview

There are lots of things you can do to lower your risk for coronary artery disease. Good habits,such as eating right,getting regular exercise,and not smoking,all work for most people. But many of the things you may hear about really don't work. These include: Hormone therapy. Doctors used to thi

Health & Medical: Lowering High Cholesterol - What Are the Potential Risks of Statin Drugs?

Lowering High Cholesterol - What Are the Potential Risks of Statin Drugs?

Diet and exercise are known as a safe way for lowering high cholesterol, but they may not always be enough. Although the statin drugs have been proven, over time, to be extremely effective cholesterol medicine, they do have several serious side effects. So, what are the risks involved?

Health & Medical: His and Hers Heart Disease

His and Hers Heart Disease

Women with heart disease may have worse outcomes than men do because treatment typically focuses on obstructive coronary artery disease -- which up to half of women may not have, according to a new review of the topic.