Home & Garden: How to Trim a Red Tip Photinia

How to Trim a Red Tip Photinia

Red tip photinia is a type of evergreen shrub that is often used as a hedge or a privacy screen. It gets its name from the red coloring of the tips of the shoots where new growth occurs. Although trimming a red tip photinia shrub often means removing the red sections, it must be done to maintain the

Home & Garden: What Fruit Is a Love Apple?

What Fruit Is a Love Apple?

A "love apple" is a tomato. The term "love apple" is most likely derived from the French term "pomme d'amour," which means "apple of love." At various times throughout history the tomato has been considered an aphrodisiac, edible, poisonous, or decorative.

Home & Garden: Sending Orchid Tips, Say It with Orchids the Right Way

Sending Orchid Tips, Say It with Orchids the Right Way

Orchids are among the most popular flowers that are send from people to people, home to home to express feelings of love, happiness and gratitude as well as sorrow and sadness wherever it is addressed

Home & Garden: Tips For Choosing the Perfect Garden Bridge

Tips For Choosing the Perfect Garden Bridge

There are a lot of benefits that come with having a garden bridge at your own home. Garden bridges have been preferred by homeowners who wish to add a unique sense of vogue to their garden landscaping, and can surely turn a tiny unattractive garden to an attention-grabbing asset of the house.

Home & Garden: What to Plant in a North-Facing Garden

What to Plant in a North-Facing Garden

North-facing gardens remain in the shade for most of the day and do not receive much direct sunlight. Therefore, choose plants that will survive and thrive in the shade or partial-shade. Even though most plants need light to flourish, there are plants thrive in low-light conditions. Also, there are

Home & Garden: How The Very Seed Of Arbor Day Was Planted

How The Very Seed Of Arbor Day Was Planted

It was the treeless plains of Nebraska that spawned the first Arbor Day in the 1800's. J Sterling Morton and his wife were nature lovers- the plains, lakes and rivers.When they moved from Detroit to the then rustic desolate state of Nebraska they started planting trees, shrubs and flowers in th

Home & Garden: How to Grow Annuals For a Spectacular Summer Garden - Part 3

How to Grow Annuals For a Spectacular Summer Garden - Part 3

If you've been doing your gardening work diligently your annual seedlings should now be thinned out and growing in weed free flower beds, well on their way to flowering in a few weeks and giving you a spectacular summer garden to enjoy. It's not just the garden itself but all the insects a

Home & Garden: What Causes Brown Spotting on Canary Palm Trees?

What Causes Brown Spotting on Canary Palm Trees?

Palm trees should always look lush and green.Palm Tree image by SISS-Solutions.com from Fotolia.comCanary palm trees add beauty to landscaping and provide just the right amount of shade during the hot afternoons. These tress should always look lush, green, and full of leaves. Brown spots,...

Home & Garden: Jump Start Your Garden with Seedlings & Cuttings

Jump Start Your Garden with Seedlings & Cuttings

Us have learned the hard way. To satisfy thegardening bug at Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC, landscapestaff members are mulching and pruning, while the exciting workof.

Home & Garden: Growing Tobacco--Organic Pest Control Tips

Growing Tobacco--Organic Pest Control Tips

If you are growing your own tobacco, why not grow it organically? By avoiding use of chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers, your final tobacco product will be cleaner and less harmful to you

Home & Garden: Soil Prep For Your New Garden

Soil Prep For Your New Garden

A new garden is not as difficult to make as it sounds.The thing to remember is that the soil is the most important part to get right.In this article I will take you through the steps required to prep your soil in a way that will give you a bountiful harvest year after year.

Home & Garden: Should You Water Your Vegetable Garden in the Morning?

Should You Water Your Vegetable Garden in the Morning?

Gardeners are often guilty of standing out in the heat of the day with a hose, spraying their garden with the cool water. This practice is a waste of water since a good portion will just evaporate into the warm air instead of down to the roots where the plant can drink. On the other hand, watering i

Home & Garden: Clearing Out Spider Mites In Hydroponics

Clearing Out Spider Mites In Hydroponics

You can find certainly plenty of different road blocks that a grower will deal with when they're coping with hydroponics. Just like with any other garden that can be grown outdoors, you'll find insects as well as other threatening agents that the proprietor needs to watch out for. Spider m

Home & Garden: How to Gain Benefits From Organic Gardening

How to Gain Benefits From Organic Gardening

Do you believe that there are any other advantages of organic gardening apart from getting a beautiful garden as well as eating healthy fruits and vegetables? In reality, there are a lot of other organic gardening benefits apart from these two.

Home & Garden: Four Tips to Make Your Garden More "Green"

Four Tips to Make Your Garden More "Green"

Vegetable gardeners have been going green long before it was main stream to do so, and no I am talking about making the plants greener in color or your neighbors green with envy. I can remember way back in the 70s when I would help my dad with his soil as he would bury our leftovers in his garden. W

Home & Garden: Mulch - The Right Way To Finish The Masterpiece

Mulch - The Right Way To Finish The Masterpiece

Spreading mulch is the final step in installing any new landscape or finishing your spring cleanup. When done properly and with a good quality product, mulch will make your old plantings look new and new plantings look better.