Business & Finance: Credit Card Debts

Credit Card Debts

Is credit card dangerous? Well this is a common question to people that are new to using credit card or for those who are already in huge debt due to credit card usage. I would like to bring out few things regarding the credit card which I think will be of some help to the readers:Rule #1 - Never bu

Business & Finance: 5 Low Interest Credit Cards You Should Know About

5 Low Interest Credit Cards You Should Know About

Looking for a low interest credit card? Tired of paying high interest on your credit card balances? Read on to find some of the top low interest credit cards on the market.

Business & Finance: Understanding Your Credit Report

Understanding Your Credit Report

Your credit report can be one of the most important pieces of information when it comes to your financial health.Here is some information to help you understand your credit report and how it effects future credit opportunities.

Business & Finance: Credit Scores - Cause and Effect

Credit Scores - Cause and Effect

What makes up your credit score?There are 5 key categories that determine that "magic" number used by mortgage companies, banks, car dealers, and retailers to establish your credit worthiness.

Business & Finance: Rapid Rescore Can Provide a Quick Fix For Low Credit Scores

Rapid Rescore Can Provide a Quick Fix For Low Credit Scores

When shopping for a home loan, your credit score is the first and also the most important factor that is considered by lenders when evaluating a loan application. Credit score requirements for many types of mortgages have increased substantially over the last year. And having a credit score that&apo

Business & Finance: 10 Signs That You Need Professional Help

10 Signs That You Need Professional Help

You're spending too much on Debt... When most of the paycheck goes to paying bills instead of savings, this is bad. As long as things don't change life goes on. But one unexpected event, flat tire, medical emergency and that perfect world is gone.

Business & Finance: Easy Steps to Help You Repair Your Credit

Easy Steps to Help You Repair Your Credit

If you are reading this article, you may be concerned about certain inaccuracies or problems that are listed on your credit report or maybe you have had some financial problems in the past that has led you to damaged credit. Maybe you would like to buy a house or a car and are worried that your cred

Business & Finance: Which Payment Gateway Services to Utilize and Why?

Which Payment Gateway Services to Utilize and Why?

An online Payment gateway service is something which acknowledges your client's Credit card or other payment data through the site and safely processed, before sending the secured data to the bank which thus sends the ...

Business & Finance: The Truth About Credit Card Debt

The Truth About Credit Card Debt

The Average American carries or has carried credit card debt at some point in his life. Figures are all over the board as to just how much that figure is. The numbers being bandied around are anywhere from $2,000 to $8,000. What the average person is carrying, however, is not as important to consume

Business & Finance: Instant Credit Cards

Instant Credit Cards

Everything today is getting fast paced. 'Instant' is the new word. The latest addition to the world of instant things is the instant credit card. It signifies a promptly approved and delivered credit card with ...

Business & Finance: Statue of Limitations on Credit Card Debt in West Virginia

Statue of Limitations on Credit Card Debt in West Virginia

Officially called an "open account," credit card accounts or revolving accounts, as they are also known, they fall under state statute of limitations laws on debt collection. State statutes of limitations on open accounts restrict the period of time in which creditors have to sue a debtor for unpaid

Business & Finance: Ideas for Repurposing Junk

Ideas for Repurposing Junk

Repurposing -- the act of giving an old item new life via a new use or purpose -- cuts back on both environmental and financial waste, taking as much strain off the wallet as it does landfills. From T-shirts to ladders, clever repurposing spans decorative and functional uses. Remember, there is no r

Business & Finance: Benefits of Online Credit Reports You Should Know About

Benefits of Online Credit Reports You Should Know About

It can be quite a hassle taking care of your credits and constantly keeping track of your position with your creditors. What helps is a credit report; it is a record of all your credit related activities which lists all your loans, credit card accounts, your repayment records and legal action that m

Business & Finance: Dealing with Credit Card Debt Effectively

Dealing with Credit Card Debt Effectively

It's no secret that the economy is on a scary slide. One up side to this is that you may be able to negotiate your credit cards. I had a 19 percent credit card and ...

Business & Finance: How Your Credit Score Can Affect Your Life

How Your Credit Score Can Affect Your Life

If there has ever been a time you were refused a credit loan or you had to face very stringent conditions before a loan approval, then there is a huge possibility that the problem you face is related to your credit score. It is common knowledge that the three digit figure of our report determines th

Business & Finance: To Repair Your Credit

To Repair Your Credit

3 step to repair your bad credit for car, homes, credit card and business loans.

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