Business & Finance: Help For Those Seeking to Go Bankrupt

Help For Those Seeking to Go Bankrupt

Many people are scared of taking the step to go bankrupt, as the vast majority will never have been to court before and so are anxious about what the process may mean. It is a classic case of fear of the unknown. Luckily today services have emerged that make it easy for those seeking to go bankrupt

Business & Finance: Is Bankruptcy Ever a Good Idea?

Is Bankruptcy Ever a Good Idea?

In the good times we are often tempted to take on as much debt as we can afford. However, recent economic conditions have resulted in many businesses going to the wall and people losing their jobs. For many people this has meant that they can no longer afford to finance their lifestyle.

Business & Finance: Home Insurance For Todays Generation

Home Insurance For Todays Generation

We live in an unpredictable world, and what best can protect our home from hurricanes, earthquakes, human errors and other natural calamities but a home insurance coverage?

Business & Finance: Basics Information About Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Basics Information About Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 allows you to stop this forced payment and gives you a way to get back your life. If you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you have full protection against your creditors. Once the payment plan is fixed and both parties have agreed, there is nothing the creditor can ask from you.

Business & Finance: Garnishment & Tax Relief

Garnishment & Tax Relief

Dress up the Internal Revenue Service to make it appear however nice you'd like and it still strikes fear in the hearts of the most hardened CEO. Even everyday wage earners who go through the annual tribulation of filling out a long and complicated tax form trying to follow rules that dwarf the Manh

Business & Finance: Can My Landlord Evict Me After Filing Bankruptcy?

Can My Landlord Evict Me After Filing Bankruptcy?

There are a number of issues that are raised when someone who is behind on their rent files for bankruptcy protection. Is there a pending unlawful detainer suit pending? Has a judgment already been entered in an unlawful detainer suit? Does the person filing bankruptcy want to remain in the rental u

Business & Finance: How Would a Flat Tax Affect Business?

How Would a Flat Tax Affect Business?

One proposal to reform the current complex tax structure in the U.S. is the flat tax. Because a flat tax is not a tax on income, it would alter the way businesses account for expenses as well as assets. If a flat tax is ever passed and made law, you'll want to understand how a flat tax would affect

Business & Finance: How to Rent After Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Fraud

How to Rent After Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Fraud

Renting a home or apartment after Chapter 13 bankruptcy fraud will be tough --- but it can be accomplished with hard work and perseverance. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy fraud places two serious marks on your record. The bankruptcy filing will appear on your credit report, and the felony arrest for bankr

Business & Finance: What Is an Unsecured Priority Debt?

What Is an Unsecured Priority Debt?

The U.S. Bankruptcy Court separates debt into different classes. Unsecured priority debts take precedence over typical unsecured debt such as credit card debt. While unsecured debt does not have collateral that the lender can repossess to satisfy the loan, the trustee will require that you pay the d

Business & Finance: Bankruptcy Loans For Cars Can Be A Reality

Bankruptcy Loans For Cars Can Be A Reality

Today bankruptcy loans for cars are available for those who have recently filed a bankruptcy. There are times when debts simply become too overwhelming and a bankruptcy is the only answer to get out from ...

Business & Finance: When Debts Don't Get Discharged

When Debts Don't Get Discharged

Many people enter bankruptcy in hopes of obtaining a debt discharge to alleviate their financial burdens. While many people have few problems with achieving this goal, there are some who run into roadblocks along the ...

Business & Finance: How to Report Bankruptcy to the IRS

How to Report Bankruptcy to the IRS

Bankruptcy can have a big effect on your finances, which means it affects your taxes. You don't have to contact the IRS when you file, but depending on your situation, they may require you to provide certain information. You'll wind up in trouble if you ignore the rules: If you're filing for Chapter

Business & Finance: Bankruptcy, Can It Do Anything For You?

Bankruptcy, Can It Do Anything For You?

Is one's personal income not sufficient enough to pay the bills? Are the creditors knocking down the door demanding payment on what is owed to them? Is the house about to be foreclosed on and lost? Many are facing such circumstances and believe that bankruptcy is the only answer to their proble

Business & Finance: Law Governing Bankruptcy

Law Governing Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy simply means inability of the debtor to pay his creditors. His liabilities have overshot his assets and he is no more able to balance the resources to clear the debts.

Business & Finance: Steps You Can Take to Avoid Having to File Bankruptcy

Steps You Can Take to Avoid Having to File Bankruptcy

Filing bankruptcy can be a necessary if you sink too deeply into debt. However, there are many preventative steps that you can take to stay financially healthy. These are to resist the lure of expensive gadgets, engage in inexpensive activities, reduce spending by eating at home and buy secondhand c

Business & Finance: Is Bankruptcy The Answer To Your Debt And Personal Finance Problems?

Is Bankruptcy The Answer To Your Debt And Personal Finance Problems?

As unpleasant as most people find the idea, there are situations involving debt and personal finance that simply cannot be remedied through cost cutting and extra jobs. Perhaps your or your spouse has experienced a lengthy period of unemployment, or there have been huge medical bills to deal with. T

Business & Finance: New Bankruptcy Law Requires Higher Burden Of Proof

New Bankruptcy Law Requires Higher Burden Of Proof

Bankruptcy law reform took effect in October 2005, and may or may not affect you. If your income is less than or more than the median income in your state of residence, your bankruptcy filing ...

Business & Finance: The Average Salary of a Medical Massage Therapist

The Average Salary of a Medical Massage Therapist

Medical massage therapists use techniques that manipulate the soft tissues of the body to provide remedial treatment for patients who have suffered an injury or disease. They seek to relieve pain, improve mobility and muscular function, and prevent permanent disability. Massage therapists work in co