Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of capital.
Our rewards are in direct proportion to our efforts - no free lunch here.
If you are energetic and intelligent, connected and educated, you should do fine.
If not, you could easily end up living on the streets.
This system is susceptible to a dog-eat-dog environment.
Monopolies and unlawful oil barons come to mind.
Socialism is defined politically as advocating state ownership of industry, and economically as state ownership of capital.
The wealth is evened out and individual effort is not rewarded as sharply as it is in capitalism - but no one lives on the streets.
This system is vulnerable to a do nothing environment, with welfare mothers and lazy, unmotivated people coming to mind.
In America, we compromise and use both systems.
Our military, our social programs such a social security, Medicare, and our veteran's benefits are socialistic, controlled by the state or government, which is the people.
Most everything else is controlled by big business and stockholders.
The trick is to balance these two ideologies so that there is not an imbalance between the wealthy and the common folk.
If stockholders become more important than employees, then wages and benefits go down.
If employees become more important than stockholders, then there is a lack of investment in new business and capital expansion.
The left will hate capitalism, and the right will hate socialism, but in the middle is where we must live, otherwise there will be a class struggle, which can easily result in anarchy.
When things become unbalanced, adjustments must be made, otherwise, the common man and woman; middle America, will revolt, peacefully at first as is currently being witnessed by the Obama phenomena.
He is becoming Teflon coated, as he rides the wave of a movement toward correcting what is perceived as an imbalance between capitalism and socialism, between the wealthy and the common man and woman.
Socialism has historically benefitted the poor to middle class.
Whenever the middle class was in power, many social programs were developed.
Conversely, when capitalism is in power, social programs are scrapped in favor of business.
As the capitalists become increasingly greedy, which always happens because greed has no bounds, the middle class, the engine of our economy, begins to fail.
This is the sign that capitalists have over-stepped their bounds.
This last cycle of capitalistic expansion began at the end of the Great Society and the presidency of Ronald Reagan.
He pushed a deceptive trickle down economic theory (which only trickled up, and was called Voodoo Economics by Bush 41), he instigated a behind closed doors theft of social security where no one can retire at 65 anymore, and participated in the dishonest and misleading Operation Coffee Cup which was effectively the beginning of the conservative war by the AMA and Reagan against socialistic endeavors, including a war against compassionate and low cost health care system.
This period began the set up of big money - big oil, big drug companies, big health care organizations, and all big business.
Reagan, as well as other presidents, was also a conspirator with congress in raiding the social security trust fund to use in the general budget, even though the common person may not even be aware that all their social security funds over the years have been stolen from them.
Reagan also effectively wrapped himself around the flag and soon had the middle class eating out of his hands, who remain mesmerized to this day by a fabricated nationalism and patriotism while their very economic lives are shattering around them.
It has been a very effective delusion, with the poor and common people being convinced that their government, which is their only power, is somehow bad, and big business and stockholders, which is the poor and common person's nemesis, is good.
Conservatives say that government health care is bad, while the facts are that HMOs discriminate based on health history, with exclusions and pre-existing conditions, with qualifications, maximum benefits, and penalties for those that dare to get sick and ruin their bottom lines.
The current administration, wrapping themselves in both the flag and the cross, and through the tactic of an elective war that was sold deceptively, is accomplishing the further scrapping of middle class power by shifting all the capital from social programs to the military industrial complex.
This is played out as a budget deficit, which requires budget cuts in social security, Medicare, veteran's benefits, and many other social programs that the poor and middle class rely on.
Even the Drug program that Bush so 'compassionately' passed was nothing but a smoke screen for incredible profits for the pharmaceutical industry, and a confusing mess and burden to seniors.
With all of this as a background, what is happening with Obama is to be expected - a movement toward socialism in order to create a balance again.
However, this very powerful movement goes further than merely the cycles of liberalism and conservatism.
This is a new consciousness based on an expanded awareness of true human values, and not the values of money, power, and close-minded beliefs.
People are, in essence, waking up from being tricked, and as they understand what has been done to them, how they have been controlled by the politicizing of religion, the politics of fear, and false nationalism, a wave is beginning, a movement that is unstoppable.
This may never have happened in human existence before; this may be something entirely new.
Because of this new consciousness, this new awareness, the candidate that sincerely comes across as exhibiting the new values of honesty, integrity, and more importantly, selflessness, will be the winner.
More importantly, the candidate that exhibits the unusual attributes of this new consciousness, which are a rare perception and understanding of circumstances in this moment, and not necessarily memorizing what happened yesterday and rehearsing how to react.
This candidate of the new consciousness is aware, visionary, a goal setter, a manager, a motivator, likeable, calm, collected, perceptive, street smart, and this new candidate uses "we," instead of "I" in his or her speeches.
That is the candidate that the people of the future, the people of change, are looking for.
Big changes are coming...
for you and I together!
Our rewards are in direct proportion to our efforts - no free lunch here.
If you are energetic and intelligent, connected and educated, you should do fine.
If not, you could easily end up living on the streets.
This system is susceptible to a dog-eat-dog environment.
Monopolies and unlawful oil barons come to mind.
Socialism is defined politically as advocating state ownership of industry, and economically as state ownership of capital.
The wealth is evened out and individual effort is not rewarded as sharply as it is in capitalism - but no one lives on the streets.
This system is vulnerable to a do nothing environment, with welfare mothers and lazy, unmotivated people coming to mind.
In America, we compromise and use both systems.
Our military, our social programs such a social security, Medicare, and our veteran's benefits are socialistic, controlled by the state or government, which is the people.
Most everything else is controlled by big business and stockholders.
The trick is to balance these two ideologies so that there is not an imbalance between the wealthy and the common folk.
If stockholders become more important than employees, then wages and benefits go down.
If employees become more important than stockholders, then there is a lack of investment in new business and capital expansion.
The left will hate capitalism, and the right will hate socialism, but in the middle is where we must live, otherwise there will be a class struggle, which can easily result in anarchy.
When things become unbalanced, adjustments must be made, otherwise, the common man and woman; middle America, will revolt, peacefully at first as is currently being witnessed by the Obama phenomena.
He is becoming Teflon coated, as he rides the wave of a movement toward correcting what is perceived as an imbalance between capitalism and socialism, between the wealthy and the common man and woman.
Socialism has historically benefitted the poor to middle class.
Whenever the middle class was in power, many social programs were developed.
Conversely, when capitalism is in power, social programs are scrapped in favor of business.
As the capitalists become increasingly greedy, which always happens because greed has no bounds, the middle class, the engine of our economy, begins to fail.
This is the sign that capitalists have over-stepped their bounds.
This last cycle of capitalistic expansion began at the end of the Great Society and the presidency of Ronald Reagan.
He pushed a deceptive trickle down economic theory (which only trickled up, and was called Voodoo Economics by Bush 41), he instigated a behind closed doors theft of social security where no one can retire at 65 anymore, and participated in the dishonest and misleading Operation Coffee Cup which was effectively the beginning of the conservative war by the AMA and Reagan against socialistic endeavors, including a war against compassionate and low cost health care system.
This period began the set up of big money - big oil, big drug companies, big health care organizations, and all big business.
Reagan, as well as other presidents, was also a conspirator with congress in raiding the social security trust fund to use in the general budget, even though the common person may not even be aware that all their social security funds over the years have been stolen from them.
Reagan also effectively wrapped himself around the flag and soon had the middle class eating out of his hands, who remain mesmerized to this day by a fabricated nationalism and patriotism while their very economic lives are shattering around them.
It has been a very effective delusion, with the poor and common people being convinced that their government, which is their only power, is somehow bad, and big business and stockholders, which is the poor and common person's nemesis, is good.
Conservatives say that government health care is bad, while the facts are that HMOs discriminate based on health history, with exclusions and pre-existing conditions, with qualifications, maximum benefits, and penalties for those that dare to get sick and ruin their bottom lines.
The current administration, wrapping themselves in both the flag and the cross, and through the tactic of an elective war that was sold deceptively, is accomplishing the further scrapping of middle class power by shifting all the capital from social programs to the military industrial complex.
This is played out as a budget deficit, which requires budget cuts in social security, Medicare, veteran's benefits, and many other social programs that the poor and middle class rely on.
Even the Drug program that Bush so 'compassionately' passed was nothing but a smoke screen for incredible profits for the pharmaceutical industry, and a confusing mess and burden to seniors.
With all of this as a background, what is happening with Obama is to be expected - a movement toward socialism in order to create a balance again.
However, this very powerful movement goes further than merely the cycles of liberalism and conservatism.
This is a new consciousness based on an expanded awareness of true human values, and not the values of money, power, and close-minded beliefs.
People are, in essence, waking up from being tricked, and as they understand what has been done to them, how they have been controlled by the politicizing of religion, the politics of fear, and false nationalism, a wave is beginning, a movement that is unstoppable.
This may never have happened in human existence before; this may be something entirely new.
Because of this new consciousness, this new awareness, the candidate that sincerely comes across as exhibiting the new values of honesty, integrity, and more importantly, selflessness, will be the winner.
More importantly, the candidate that exhibits the unusual attributes of this new consciousness, which are a rare perception and understanding of circumstances in this moment, and not necessarily memorizing what happened yesterday and rehearsing how to react.
This candidate of the new consciousness is aware, visionary, a goal setter, a manager, a motivator, likeable, calm, collected, perceptive, street smart, and this new candidate uses "we," instead of "I" in his or her speeches.
That is the candidate that the people of the future, the people of change, are looking for.
Big changes are coming...
for you and I together!