Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Diabetes Herbs- Best Herbs For Treating Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is one of the 20 types of pramehas mentioned in Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is known as madhumeha in ayurveda. It is generally a condition in which sugar levels in the body rise to worrying levels. Unfortunately even after so much development in the field of medicine there is still no permanent cure for diabetes but it can be kept under control through changes in daily lifestyle and help of some natural medicines. In this article let us discuss about some of the herbs which are very helpful in keeping diabetes under control and some of the lifestyle changes one should make to keep diabetes under check and live a long and normal life.

Effective Herbs For Treating Diabetes

Gymnema Sylvestre
    It is used extensively in ayurveda for treating a lot of health conditions but it is mainly used to lower blood glucose levels. It is a very helpful herb for diabetics and it helps in lowering the amount of sugar the body absorbs from foods. Some reports have even claimed that this herb can trigger the production of insulin by helping the pancrease in making more beta cells which are the largest source of insulin in the body.

Diabetes according to ayurveda is a vata disorder and garlic is highly beneficial in such disorders. It not only helps in lowering blood glucose levels but also helps in breaking up of cholesterol in the body.

Indian Gooseberry

It is a wonder herb for diabetes patients. It not only helps in controlling diabetes but also prevents other complications which accompany diabetes like vision problems, constipation and promotes general health well being.

Dietary Controls

Apart from taking help of natural herbs it is also very important to maintain a good healthy lifestyle to live a normal life with diabetes. First thing is to completely eliminate sugar from your diet and if you are obese try to reduce some weight because diabetes with obesity can trigger serious problems.

Herbal Products
There are generally many ayurvedic products available in the market but if you are looking to use a herbal product make sure good quality ingredients are used in making it because the efficacy of a herbal product depends on the quality of herbs used in it. Glucolo is one such product which is widely used by people suffering from type 2 diabetes. It has many positive consumer reviews and is recommended by many ayurvedic experts.

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