Video Transcript
At this point we've completed Form 1040EZ, through line "12" and we're ready to finish this out. The last sections include the third party designee, which is, if you do want someone to discuss your tax return with the IRS, simply list their name and telephone number and a personal ID number, if necessary, and they will discuss that with them. You also want to make sure than on the "Sign Here" section, both you and your spouse if filing a joint return, sign on the proper lines, put the date, and your occupation, your spouse's occupation, and a daytime phone number. If someone's prepared this form for you, you'll want the preparer's signature in the "Paid preparer's use only", and they also need to date it, check it if they're self employed, and put in their social security, or PTIN number. And they need to note their firm's number as well. And that completes the Form 1040EZ.