Health & Medical Anxiety

Anxiety Attack Symptoms - Heart Palpitations & Anxiety

One of the scariest anxiety attacks symptoms are heart palpitations.
People often confuse heart palpitations and anxiety with other things such as a heart attack or a stroke.
These symptoms often bring about a lot of fear...
and they often contribute to more anxiety.
Heart palpitations are a very common side effect for anxiety sufferers...
unfortunately they are also one of the scariest.
So why do these anxiety attacks symptoms occur? When you feel nervous your heart starts to race and your blood starts to flow through your body quickly.
This happens because your body is anticipating a conflict...
the increase in blood flow helps supply your body and muscles with extra oxygen.
When you have extra blood flowing through your body...
you are physically ready for anything that comes your way.
The problem with all of this extra blood being redirected to your muscles is that your blood is channeled away from places like all of your extremities such as your fingers or your toes.
When you need extra blood...
your extremities are no where near as important as your torso and thighs.
This is great if you are about to get into a fight for you life...
but if you are just feeling anxiety about work it really does not help you at all.
When you draw blood away from all of your extremities and send it to other muscles heart palpitations and anxiety may occur.
This blood shift may also cause various other symptoms such as headache, numbness, and tingling...
all of which may be mistaken for heart attack or stroke symptoms.
If you feel any of these anxiety attacks symptoms you should go see your doctor to be 100% sure that you are OK...
if you can put your mind at ease you can work on effective ways of working on your anxiety problems.
More likely than not your heart palpitations will be diagnosed as anxiety...
that's good for you because you know what to work on! When you are reassured by your doctor you can begin to work on your anxiety attacks symptoms rather than worry about a heart attack.
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