Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Cancer Staging and Grading-Topic Overview

Cancer Staging and Grading-Topic Overview

Cancer Staging and Grading - Topic Overview

Cancer Staging and Grading Guide

Tumor grades continued...

Tumor cells that look like normal cells are called grade 1 tumors. They usually grow slowly.

A grade 4 tumor, on the other hand, has cells that look very different from normal cells. Grade 4 tumors often grow quickly and spread rapidly.

For certain types of cancer, doctors use other grading methods. For example, in prostate cancer, the doctor gives the cancer a Gleason score. Prostate cancer cells that have a low Gleason score grow more slowly than cells that have a higher score.

Breast cancer and kidney cancer also use other grading methods.

What tests are used to find a cancer's stage and grade?

  • Physical exams. For some cancers, looking at or feeling the body part involved can give doctors information about how far a cancer has advanced.
  • Imaging tests. Tests that help doctors look inside the body to find tumors include:
  • BiopsyBiopsy. This procedure-to collect tissue samples-can help doctors decide the stage or the grade of cancer. It can sometimes be done in the doctor's office.
  • Surgery. Sometimes doctors use surgery to view the tumor as well as collect tissue samples.

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